Peta Wilson
(March 30, 1998)
TVGEN: Welcome to the TVGEN/Yahoo! Chat Auditorium. Our guest tonight is Peta Wilson, star of the hit USA Network series La Femme Nikita.
![]() Crisytina: Peta, what has been the biggest change you've had to contend with in season 2?
![]() Peta Wilson: Season 2 has been a lot easier, more time off, more time to relax. I think that nothing's been too big to contend with. Sometimes the scripts have gotten a little bit more complicated--that's a challenge sometimes, to make them work. And keep the reality within the scene and with the shows. Things have gotten more complicated in the plots, what's going on, where.
![]() Reeeh: What do you think Nikita has learned the most this season about Section, Michael and herself?
![]() Wilson: About Section, people and things are just not what they seem ever. Maybe, I think, she's getting to them a little, she thinks she's getting to their gray areas.
![]() Scottus_T: Hello Miss Wilson, are you as serious as your character?
![]() Wilson: No! I love to talk and to laugh, and I'm very trusting of people. Sometimes, I can be serious. I don't have the same stuff happen to me that happens to Nikita. Poor darling, I feel very sorry for Nikita sometimes.
![]() Sister613: Peta, the show seems to contain a lot of symbolism. Is this planned, or are we (the fans) overanalyzing again? :) Thanks!
![]() Wilson: No, I agree with that. I'm grateful that the fans notice the nuances. Sometimes and sometimes not, in terms of overanalyzing. I love to hear that people are analyzing, it makes me feel I'm doing my job well.
![]() Susan1014: Peta, your loyalty towards your family is such a beautiful thing as is so many other things about you. Since you recently bought some land in Australia I was wondering if you would consider moving home for good someday?
![]() Wilson: I plan to do that one day. I think family is very important and I'm blessed with having a good one. My aunt is with me now, my mother just left. I just bought this land, I'm building a house there. Maybe in 15 years. I like working in America, though.
![]() Tamy_S: Peta, any big plans for the hiatus coming up? Maybe a movie, or are you just planning on relaxing?!
![]() Wilson: Couple of movies. I'm reading a couple of scripts. I've had a couple of offers. But I'm being very choosy. But I think I'll do a movie called Mercy, maybe. It's a thriller. Even if I don't do it, people should go see it. It's a great script. And I plan to watch the foundations be laid for my house. I'd go insane if I didn't have my family around.
![]() Crisytina: Wouldn't you just like to have Maddy alone in the white room, no monitors, for just 10 minutes? LOL.
![]() Wilson: Thank God they saw that! I've been angling for a relationship with Birkoff for a while. No, I don't feel like that about Matthew. But I think Nikita is quite curious about Birkoff. She wonders what he'd be like.
![]() Cullerbeels: In the season opener, were you and Roy really naked or were you wearing something?
![]() Wilson: We were really naked!
![]() Wild_Isabeau: Are you surprised at how many fans you have out here?
![]() Wilson: I'm grateful, I am surprised. And flattered beyond expression. It was my third paid acting job, so I'm grateful. It makes me feel just very nice. Thanks.
![]() UncleWiggily1: Peta, what type of modeling did you do?
![]() Wilson: I made a living as a model for about seven years. I did magazine work, Levi's, commercials, editorials. I did pregnant catalogues, with rubber stomachs. I got hired a lot because people seemed to like me, not because I was the prettiest girl in the room. I did a lot of swimwear.
![]() Sister613: Peta, Joel Surnow suggested that there may be a "mystery" lurking for the fans in some future episodes. Can you give us a clue as to what this mystery is? Thanks!
![]() Wilson: I don't know. You'd better ask Joel. There's some interesting stuff going on, really good. He's good, that Joel Surnow. It's a good surprise, the fans are going to love it.
![]() Paskin: Would you have the guts to "cancel" someone, Peta, if your life was in danger?
![]() Wilson: No. If my child's life was in danger, he'd be gone. If I had to defend myself, I would defend myself as best I could. But I would never want to kill somebody. Just to have Nikita do it is hard enough. But love one another, right? Killing is not cool. I'd try to talk my way out of it. If all else failed, I'd try to hurt him or her.
![]() TnTeee: Do the writers allow you input into the character?
![]() Wilson: Yes, we discuss things. The writers have got it. In the beginning we used to do quite a lot of discussion, but now they understand the character.
![]() We have very clear communication. But I like reading the scripts and not knowing what's going to happen next. It keeps me interested, and I think it maybe makes me more interesting to the audience. And the more you give out as an actor, the more they can offer the actor. But Joel and his crew are really good.
![]() Januarybelle: What is your favorite junk food? Thanks!
![]() Wilson: I like hot chips and vinegar. I like Red Skins. What else do I like? I kind of like French fries with tomato sauce and vinegar.
![]() Wild_Isabeau: Did Nikita like Jurgen in the end? Really?
![]() Wilson: It's a hard question. Gosh, it's been so long. I think she respected him, his chivalry. He was brave. It took Nikita aback. I think in the end she felt kind of bad, because he was in love with her and she never was. She learned a lot of lessons from that.
![]() Goldfingernk: Some advice for aspiring young actors?
![]() Wilson: Study, study, study. No one can use the excuse, "If I just had an agent," "If I just had this or that..." If actors want to act, they should act. If you study hard and work hard, work will come--and don't be discouraged. Try to learn as much as you can. Read a lot. It stimulates your senses. And try and listen. Listen to people and watch them. Try and observe. Keep your ego out of the way. It would take years to answer this, and I still don't know anything.
![]() Stay focused. My drama teachers were: Arthur Mendoza at the Actors Circle Theater in L.A. He's tough but very good. He broke my balls, but he's really good. Tom Waits, not the singer, the actor, is very good. Sylvana Guilado. And Stuart Rodgers.
![]() But don't let anyone ever break your spirit. Don't give your talent away, own it. Own what it is that makes you special. There are teachers out there who are very frustrated actors and sometimes they hurt young talent. So be careful!
![]() Jazzlady_9: What attracted you to the Nikita script?
![]() Wilson: The French film was amazing. And the original pilot was like the film with some good adjustments. What an interesting role for a woman. As a film role for women, I think Nikita will go down as a really interesting role for a woman, whether I played it or not. Not that I'm going anywhere!
![]() Sister613: Peta, I love the bloopers on the Warner Brothers site. How often in the midst of a very serious scene does everyone just crack up laughing? Thanks!
![]() Wilson: Well, when I'm supposed to be really serious, sometimes I get the giggles, and I can't stop smiling. Then I have to try and work myself into a state. And sometimes it happens when we're tired. It's important to laugh, though. Sometimes it gets us through the day.
![]() Roy Dupois is French Canadian and has a really colorful sense of humor. The crew and the cast are very close, you know, it's like a big family. Everyone tries to make everyone feel good at all times.
![]() Hollydream: Do you think that someday we will see Little Nikita and Michael dolls at the local toy store?
![]() Wilson: Hey, let's hope so--and I want a piece of that! People should start writing letters! Demand your Nikita dolls! So in 20 years people can ask me what I do, and I can say, "Hey I live off dolls."
![]() PFrancoise: Is Nikita "buying into" Section philosophy more this season, or is she just adapting to stay alive?
![]() Wilson: She's adapting to stay alive. She does listen. They have done a lot of bad things to her. She's trying to understand their logic. But there is a big difference between her and them. She has a conscience and they don't. Imagine what that's like. She has to tread very warily around them. I can't disclose that. I'm as I've always been. Sometimes you'll see it. I try and leave it in there. I think it's important and so do the writers.
![]() Januarybelle: What is the weirdest piece of fan mail you have received? Thanks!!
![]() Wilson: I've had some weird ones from prison, people telling me how to kill people. I've gotten one from General Goodfeel Pearson, or something, some weird name. He went on to say that he and his wife watch the show every week and really love it. And how they really appreciate the light in me. And I'm thinking, this is really nice and sweet and inspiring! And then, he says something along the lines of: "And what would be really amazing would be when first thing in the morning I go to get my milk for my tea, I'd have a full length photo of you on the fridge naked." And this is the funny thing - my mother told me to look at the address, and my boyfriend had sent it! He's a writer. A writer-director.
![]() Goldfingernk: Was your height ever a problem for you? I'm 6'2" and just turned sixteen.
![]() Wilson: No, listen I'm only 5'10". But I try to walk like a six-footer. It's not a problem. Stand up straight.
![]() I was an athlete I played net ball. I used to hide my height from my opponents, so they'd never know how tall I was. I'd keep that extra inch or two up my sleeve. Height's a good thing. I like to look a man in the eye. And if I can't, I put on heels.
![]() Seadoenay: Peta, you are lovely and a joy to watch as Nikita. I just wanted to say thank you. So many of us identify with the character of Nikita.
![]() Wilson: You know what, thank you so much, because when I first started preparing this role, I thought this character could be anybody, a victim of circumstance, not a drugged-out killer.
![]() Often people are very innocent of stuff. I was always the one who was her in class. The one people would sometimes have it in for. I hoped Nikita would grab people's consciences. I wanted people to feel like they could identify with her point of view.
![]() guest_88d9041: Peta, if and when the last show is shown, do you want Nikita and Michael to finally be free?
![]() Wilson: Don't know. I'd like how I'm feeling about Mike at the moment so it's hard to answer for later. Nikita would be frightened. I can't speak for both of them at this point. Their relationship is so out there.
![]() Wrigleylfn: If you had to classify a turning point for Nikita's character, what episode would epitomize that turning point?
![]() Wilson: I think "New Regime" was a real turning point. Because she had to choose. She could have killed operations and Madeline and all of them. She could have disposed of the Section, but there was risk involved, they could have killed her. They were in a weird way like family. But every bloody episode is a turning point.
![]() Alex_guy: Peta, do you use stunt doubles frequently?
![]() Wilson: Yes I do. Although, I do all the fight sequences. I'm scared of heights, so the doubles do that. But I try to do as much as I can. There's insurance on these shows, and if you hurt yourself there's no show. So I have to be careful.
![]() Fredyvilla: What do you think is your best quality?
![]() Wilson: Gosh! What's my best quality!? This is what's so tragic - look how quickly I'm answering this! When I'm warming up, there's a moment, you say, what makes me special? I always say, my truths, my honesty. And that's what I bring. Sometimes too much so. I got a big Australian flapping off.
![]() Patti_lee_98: What part of Australia are you from?
![]() Wilson: I mean flapping mouth. I'm from all over, army brat. My mother lives in Carnes, and my father lives outside Sydney.
![]() Buffstudd_16: What do you like in guys?
![]() Wilson: That's hard! I don't know, jeez, they're different from women. They're necessary. And sometimes they're delightful. I like honesty in a man. There you go. Nice lips are good too. A good kisser, too.
![]() Speedfreakcollagen: Peta, do you ever feel pressured to be a good role model, so that young kids can look up to you?
![]() Wilson: No, I DON'T FEEL ANY PRESSURE EVER!!!! I don't know, I try not to think about that. That's not really an actor's job, it's just to do their job and act, and be conscious and aware of things going on around them. To make a difference in the roles they play.
![]() EdithSidebottom: Do you have any desire to work behind the camera?
![]() Wilson: It's the writer's responsibility. I'm the actress! I'd like to produce, yes, very much so. I've got a couple of things up my sleeves, actually. I won't say what, I'm learning. I'm a producer!
![]() I've always been on the stage. My father said recently that he was proud of me. Playing the piano when I was a kid, I was always entertaining. I appreciate behind the scenes, but I'm liking acting now. I'd like to do one film a year--that's really good as an actress. And produce the rest of the time.
![]() Henryd51: Who decides your look for Nikita?
![]() Wilson: We all do really, you know. It all dictates you see? We read the scripts and there's where it begins. It takes on color. We take risks. We go, what the hell! I'm very lucky, they've all got amazing taste. They're almost all Canadians, you know!! Look out!
![]() Shauri98: Are you as comfortable with technology in real life as you seem to be on the show?
![]() Wilson: Well, I'm more of a hands-on person, myself. I'm not uncomfortable with technology, but I'm sort of easing into it. I drive a '57 Thunderbird for goodness sake! But I'm very curious - about most things.
![]() PixieStix6: Can you really shoot a gun?
![]() Wilson: Well, yeah, I really shoot a gun on the show. I used to work with a guy called Tireon Mortell when I was preparing the show, and we shot a lot of guns. But I get scared, they could kill someone, they're freaky.
![]() AmyJoKG: How many hours a day do you work out? Do you diet?
![]() Wilson: I kind of just try and eat right. And when I need to lose weight, I eat properly. I try to work out an hour a day. I do yoga and stretch as I need to. I drink a lot of water and laugh a lot.
![]() Hollydream: If you could work with anyone, who would it be and why?
![]() Wilson: Too many!! Too many! Jeff Bridges is a big dish. So is Dennis Franz. There's so many people. I wished I could have worked with Montgomery Clift. Laurence Fishburn, Ellen Barkin, Gena Rowlands I adore, she's wonderful. Any actor that wants to play ball.
![]() BeautifulMist: Who's your best bud on the set - who do you hang out with?
![]() Wilson: Judy. I like 'em all, I'm buddies with them all, I have my moments with all of them during the day.
![]() Hollydream: What is the weirdest thing you have done acting-wise?
![]() Wilson: I don't know, acting is all strange. It's strange to be of a different mindset.
![]() PjHarveyRULES_00: What's it like working with Roy? Is he as serious as his character?
![]() Wilson: Roy is very serious, he's a very serious actor. But he has a very good sense of humor, and he's very eccentric, I think, and very intelligent. Very sharp. We're very different. I learn a lot from my experience with Roy.
![]() I just want to say thanks so much for your questions, it challenges me to think. Thanks for your support and loyalty. Be well, and nice to meet you all on the Internet.
Peta Wilson
(January 5, 1999)
![]() Peta: Hello everybody! Happy New Year and welcome to the new millennium.
Yahoo: How's it going, Peta?
Peta: How's it going? it's going good. Having a nice glass of merlot and going for the gold.
PippyFoofenshoof1: I hope you had a good Christmas. How did you spend your holidays?
Peta: I had a great Xmas. Went to Bali with my brother. I'm a Scorpio and it's the island of Scorpio. Saw the sun setting and the moon rising at the same time.
sadie_s3: What is your favorite perfume?
Peta: Gian Franco Fillet. Also homeopathy lavender oil. Also human body scents.
Alpha_18: Did you see the French film "Nikita" from Luc Besson?
Peta: Yes, I did! very good movie. had it not been for the movie, I'd not be on this chatline right now.
mecca297: Do the other cast members ever tease you about your accent? personally, I think it's great to hear a non-North American accent in with everyone else!
Peta: Well, they play with me but I don't mind. Roy is another to tease me about my accent. But not really.
SusanHar: Hi, Peta. I was wondering if you have heard when your new movie "Mercy" will be released in the States?
Peta: You know the director is about to come and have dinner with me. I'll ask him when he gets in. They call it "Mercy" for a reason. People will be begging for mercy. Damian, the director, is here now. he says the movie will be coming out next fall.
Northstar8a: Did you work on any new projects during the summer hiatus?
Peta: I'm going to produce a film, "Garden in the Night." Two lead actors, a girl and a boy, like a Romeo and Juliet. Doing it with my business partner, Jeff Masquite.
VikingLI: What is the plot of "Mercy"?
Peta: I'm going through the kitchen right now to find the director... He says it's a murder mystery, like a good Hitchcock. Very sexy, beautiful, mostly female... like a French film. it's based on a best selling novel, "Mercy." I had to do a lot of research for that part.
Nikita507: In the past two seasons, there have been a lot of characters that have been killed. If you had a choice to bring one of them back, who would it be and why?
Peta: Tough... because Nikita doesn't want anyone to due. Stephen Berkoff (Madeline's husband). He's a wonderful actor and thought there were some interesting scenes Nikita could do with the character.
J2L2H2: Do you like playing with the different types of artillery?
Peta: You know, I'm not a firearms person. But Nikita enjoys them. I get to "kill" people with a blank weapon. How many women get to play this part? I like the fight stuff better than the gun stuff. I like to use the best weapon on all. I like to use the mind.
PippyFoof: Do you have any martial arts training?
Peta: Yes, I worked for 7 months in California. Though it's been a couple years since I've practiced formally.
KEYLFN: Peta, what's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Peta: My most recent dangerous things was recently I was in Bali and touched a holy snake. It was a sea snake--highly poisonous. The Hindu monk said I had the right energy. Also, Catholic girls school! Flying on a plane is also dangerous :) Oh, and going on vacation with my brother! dangerous, but had a good ending.
mecca297: Hi Peta. have you been back to Oz since LFN starting screening there? If so, what was the reaction like there?
Peta: No, I haven't. My mom called tonight. They want to do an interview with her. it's very well received over there. They like the show, like me. I'm shocked! So I'm pleased for my family. Would have been awful if they didn't like it.
Sanlin528: What is the most amusing or unusual event that has ever happened to you while filming a television series or movie?
Peta: Hmmm... Doing TV in itself is pretty unusual. You're moving so quickly and dodging cameras and tracks and trying to make it seem real. Most unusual was having my dad on the set, who's a real soldier and me showing HIM how to load a gun. As for funny, we have a laugh every day. it's so "dark" and I have to laugh.
Northstar8a: Who is your favorite author?
Peta: I like "Billy the Kid", Sam Shepard, JD Salinger, Janet Winterson ("Matt and Amos"). I like all history books. Shakespeare's a pretty damn good writer. Tennessee Williams, I forgot!
dejedgenet: Do you enjoy the emotional scenes or the action scenes better?
Peta: Action scenes are fun, and prefer it to the emotional scenes. I like when I'm cornering someone. I like it all, really.
ZG66: Who were your childhood role models?
Peta: My father was my hero. Don Knots, Lee Marvin, Jeff Bridges, Marlena Deitrich, and my g'mother (Nana White), and Samantha from bewitched. Oh, and Mr. Magoo and Winnie the Pooh.
btl_86: What is your favorite movie?
Peta: One of the most beautiful movies was "Days of heaven." Also, "Woman Under the Influence." "Sporting Life" and "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" with Jeff Bridges.
LFNluvr: Peta, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
Peta: Everything! I love jazz, Cuban, Stan Getz, trance music, U2, rock and roll, magi Starr, rap, Elvis Costello. I like all music. Anything expressed from the heart. I like it all. Country music, too. Patsy Cline...Aretha Franklin, John Lee Hooker... so many, it's very hard.
kar413: Hi Peta! Watched the s3 premiere Sunday night and there were a lot of action scenes with you in them. How much of your own stunt work do you do?
Peta: Nor the ?? shoot between legs. They wouldn't let me. I do as much as they let me.
josephine_670: being into classic & antique cars myself, I was wondering if you still have T-bird?
Peta: Still got the t-bird, chevy, and the dodge. Lucy, Stella and Lucille.
chipbooger: Peta, I like the way you can change emotions at the drop of a hat, from fierce fighter to a vulnerable young woman almost brought to tears. is there any one thing you think of to produce a tearful emotion?
Peta: You should try and live with me with that kind of range! I can look at someone on the street, and can make up some sort of reality about them and make it go. I look at people and they touch me. I use memories, but mostly I live for the moment. It changes. It depends. My managers call me tornado, cyclone or hurricane. But I feel like the sea. But they see me as some kind of wind. :)
kar413: Peta, do you ever visit any of the websites dedicated to you and your character? And what do you think of them?
Peta: I bought a G3 last year and it blew up! I'm going to get a computer soon, but I have seen some of the websites and am very flattered and grateful. thank you all very much for all the hard work.
LindaVa_lfn: Peta, can you tell me a little more about this school you want to start for troubled children?
Peta: I want to do a Julliard. It came to me in Calgary and then the reality hit me that people wouldn't know who I was and then in the course of 5 nights it came to me in a dream. And now I have the opportunity to do something like this for kids who need the opportunity. I want to give something back. Kids are the future. No matter who or what they are. Kids on the street could better express their inner voices in a positive way. That's my passion, I have to do that. it's why I'm here. Hopefully it will be something that people will come and lecture at. And teachers, other students, then take it back to their own country. It's a big dream. I'm going to be Richard Branson!
SpiderwebLFN: Peta, what would be a good question to ask Alberta tomorrow?
Peta: I don't know with Alberta... She's such a cupie doll. She's a very interesting woman. Was very sick but now she's alive and well. Nothing but admiration for this woman. Oh, you could ask her about her hair. I don't know that there's anything you could ask her that would trick her. Say "You should cut your hair." You'll find out Nikita is really a hermaphrodite Martian.
CoolBeam007: I have heard that you got a chance to work with Stone Cold Steve Austin from the WWF< is that true?
Peta: No I haven't. Not yet. Coming up... maybe! God knows, maybe I'll have to protect him. That's what I always wanted to do but took a couple seasons to get there. She's going to get bigger, better, sharper, caster by the end of the season. She's very smart, Nikita. it's going to be great. My co is called Psycht. The first line is a special line of sunglasses. Also making watches, running shoes, backpacks and maybe computer accessories. It's my own company. I'm not endorsing someone else's line. We're starting the company from the ground up. The reason we called it Psycht is that's what the spiritual in the world. The money is going to go toward the school.
GOD_ROCKETH: Any secrets about the new season you can tell us?
Peta: I just played the bad Nikita. There are two of us. And some scenes with Birkoff. There's some good stuff! Goodnight to everybody and thank you very much! It's going to be a good year. I wish my arms were long enough to put them around 6800 people and give you all a big kiss. MWAAAA!! Life is good. :)
![]() Roy Dupuis
(January 3, 1999)
TVGEN: Welcome! Tonight's chat is with La Femme Nikita's Roy Dupuis. Welcome, Roy, glad you could join us this evening.
![]() Roy Dupuis: I hope everyone has a great year in the last year of this millennium. I hope you had the best!
![]() Francoise_CovertOp: How did you spend New Year's Eve?
![]() Dupuis: Was at my place with all my family. There were about 20 and a lot of children. Two newborns. It made it very active with the kids. I like to cook and do things, so I did a big turkey — 20 lbs.! The last time it was 29 lbs. And we played a lot of games, I have a pool table, and we played social games like Pictionary and other games. And I have an ice rink in front of the house and we played hockey. That's night-time hockey!! We didn't have any snow this year until two days ago, but it was cold enough to make an ice rink.
![]() LievePeten: Hi, Roy, I'm from Belgium. We're in the middle of Season 2 (just saw "Not Was"). I think you do a terrific job portraying Michael. Do you think that if the whole set-up was real, someone like Michael could resist giving in to his feelings for Nikita — in spite of the consequences? (And in spite of Michael's history.) BTW, I read you enjoy cooking. If you would like my recipe for Langue de Boeuf in Madeira sauce, give me a shout :-) Au revoir!
![]() Dupuis: I guess so, but since you are still in Season 2, you will learn more things about Michael in Season 3 that will explain some other reasons why he is not being too emotional with her. And, yes, maybe there could be someone else but not Michael, not now. Maybe later on. We will see. My mother used to cook Langue de Boeuf because my father was a traveling salesman and sold meat for a canadian company in the northern areas of Quebec. Thanks for the offer!
![]() SapphireRain14: Mr. Dupuis, rumor has it you turned down another TV series to work on LFN. Could you tell us which one it was?
![]() Dupuis: I turned down before not because of LFN, and I turned it down because it was shot in LA and I would have been too far from home. And it would have been too far to come back home every weekend, which I do. I am not sure if it would be a good thing to say what it was, just that it was an all-American production. I'm not even sure if it is on the air. It was called Lawless.
![]() Sunbeam198: Roy, has your French accent ever caused you to lose out on a role?
![]() Dupuis: Of course. A lot of producers or directors don't think the accent would work. I guess with reason. Not many, though. It was kind of a problem with Michael at first until they liked what I did with the character. I think it is a good thing with this show because it makes it more international. I hope that it doesn't cause any problems in the future. We are living in such an international marketplace and can reach so many different people and places. So it may be a good thing to have accents. For a movie, I could get rid of my French accent because you have limited text to say. But it is a thing I like to keep for Michael. Certain French musicality.
![]() dstoltenberg: Mr. Dupuis, greetings from the frozen Midwest. Since the new ep isn't on yet, what can you tell me about your experiences filming Emilie, which is coming out on video this month?
![]() Dupuis: That was my first experience on TV. It is the first series I did here in Quebec. I was supposed to leave Quebec to do a play in France, but the director really wanted me for that so I chose to do it. It was really well written and very apropros for the time. It represented a lot of American culture and had a very poetic writing in French and described well the way people used to talk. And of course the character was very intense. When it came out, 85 percent of the population of Quebec was watching it for 20 weeks. So in just one day I jumped from unknown to one of the most known faces in my province, in my culture. It was special.
![]() bobo108: Saw Chili Blues today. How old were you when you made that movie?
![]() Dupuis: That was... hmmm. It would be about five years, six years, so I would have been 29-30.
![]() tdk5472: Roy, are you ever suprised at the huge fan base that LFN has managed to gather?
![]() Dupuis: When I do a project I try not to have any expectations on how it is going to be received. I don't think about what people will think of my character or of the series itself. I give all my energies and thoughts to what I have to do. It is the best way to serve the series, character, author and director. And the public. Of course it is always a pleasure and encouraging to know that a lot of people find it interesting and like it. That's for sure.
![]() Ebbylfn: What is the motivating factor to choosing a project?
![]() Dupuis: At first, of course, the whole story. Then of course I look at the character. If it rings a bell or provokes something in me that I find interesting. That I find almost necessary for me to do. It could be many things. What the character brings to me or says to me. And then I like to meet with the producers, directors and creators of those characters (if they are still alive) and see if it is meant to be.
![]() Reeeh: How has Michael changed the most since Nikita has entered his life?
![]() Dupuis: I can't really know, because when we first see Michael, he is already with Nikita. But I think Walter says it once in an episode that Michael used to be dead and now he is a bit more alive. There is something different in him. I think Nikita is the reason for Michael to still be alive and to hold on to life. At least one of the major reasons.
![]() Juliet1716: When you first saw Peta Wilson, what did you think of her?
![]() Dupuis: Very interesting. Very energetic. And original.
![]() LFNSister: Roy, what is the most challenging aspect of portraying Michael Samuelle?
![]() Dupuis: The control. And all the background of Michael and all his inner life. To portray a character who has killed so many people and sometimes without knowing why he is doing it. And losing so many people who were so close to him and keeping it all together with a bladelike control to protect himself and the reality he is in.
![]() pker1056: Mr. Dupuis, are the writers ever going to give you the opportunity of expressing some kind of emotion?
![]() Dupuis: To be continued...
![]() z4brown: How much input do you have in Michael's character development?
![]() Dupuis: Not much. It is mostly in the details. Of course we have very busy schedules and we can't be implicated in the writing process. We get the scripts about one to two weeks before we shoot it, while we are shooting another script. When I first read it I give them certain ideas, and usually they are welcomed. We have learned to work together very well.
![]() Francoise_CovertOp: Have you made any progress on your writing lately?
![]() Dupuis: Not lately. I am at the point where I need someone to jump in and I know who but he is here in Montreal and I am in mostly in Toronto, so probably this summer we will dip into it.
![]() aROYies: Roy, there have been many debates as to what color those beautiful eyes are, could you possibly end the debates and tell us what color those beautiful eyes truly are?
![]() Dupuis: I don't know if I should. In French we called it "pair," which is even. Which means grey eyes which become blues and greens. Usually they are green most of the time. It depends on my mood and what I am wearing. It also means couple, "pair."
![]() Sanlin528: Which of your television or film roles stand out as having been exceptionally rewarding or memorable experiences for you?
![]() Dupuis: Being at Home with Claude would be the first one. They all have their part in what I have become. Or what I am. Because sometimes the work I do is not only the movie itself, it is also the people I meet that can be very rewarding in a certain way. Or nourishing. But as a movie itself, it would be Being at Home....
![]() lfnfan58: Roy, I've heard that you're an audiophile, and that you have a great sound system in your home. What kind of equipment do you have?
![]() Dupuis: I have the Wilson Watt Puppy speakers. I have the Mark Livingston #E37 CD transport. And #36-S digital processor. And the 380-S Preamplifier. With the Sonic Frontier Power 3 Mono amp. With the MIT Terminator 2 (770 Cables) with the MITMH 850 Evil and I also have some MIT filters. MIT Z iso duo and the Z stabilizer. You probably know what that means.
![]() LFNSister: Roy, Nietzsche said "Without music, life would be a mistake." Will you share with us the kinds of music you enjoy?
![]() Dupuis: I am very eclectic. I like classical. I like from the Beatles to Dead Can Dance to Martin Bennett to some good country music. Right now on my CD player I have a series called The Transplanet. There are four CD volumes. It is World Music. Lately I found something called Afro Felt Sound System vol. 1. There are from Real World, which is Peter Gabriel's recording studio. Very interesting. I agree that without music life would be a mistake.
![]() Nikita507: Who is your favorite author?
![]() Dupuis: I don't have any favorites. I have one that I really like, Rejean du Charm. He wrote La Vallie des Availles. He is very poetic and invents words. He is very special. Once you read his novels you are emerged in another reality. Very stong imagination. He wrote many novels, at least four. I also like Arthur Miller.
![]() AnnieDWilkes: Roy, what projects did you work on during your hiatus from LFN?
![]() Dupuis: I built a porch on my house. All-cedar porch with turnposts with a round patio that makes a corner of the two porches that is connected with copper roofs and two balconies. It was really interesting work and I am very proud of it.
![]() Francoise_CovertOp: What was the best advice your Aunt Mimi ever gave you?
![]() Dupuis: She is an extraordinary woman, person, soul. I had the privilege to have her close to me since I was young and she was living with us. The best advice is hard to say. She had such a particular humoristic sense. She never gave me any advice really. She just made me proud of my roots, I guess, and is the kind of person who makes you proud of being a human being when it is not going so well. She is a giant.
![]() Sanlin528: Which people or life experiences would you cite as being the greatest influences on your acting career?
![]() Dupuis: I worked with a man in National Theater School who devoted his life to "The Verb," as in the action of talking and being able to talk. He would go anywhere where he would see one culture being oppressed by another one and try to give them a tool to express themselves. Whether it be a movie, book or play. I got the privilege to work with him and we worked with him for two and a half months. His name was Armand Gatti. He is Italian from origin and moved to France during WWII. His family had moved to the U.S. during WWI. He was a French novelist. He taught me that the theatrical act takes place in rehearsal. The representation is not just the conclusion or what the audience sees.
![]() tiburonca: Roy, what originally got you involved with the Mira Foundation?
![]() Dupuis: A friend that used to be my first agent and then he introduced me to the founder of Mira Foundation: Eric St. Pierre. I found this man very rich and intelligent and everything, and he became a friend. I like the way he puts together animal and human beings working together. I like that.
![]() pker1056: I've seen both La Femme movie incarnations. Do you at all compare yourself to your counterparts in those films?
![]() Dupuis: No, because in the series, we extrapolate. The reality of the characters are not the same. In the movie, they are just mentors and teachers. They don't go on missions and kill people themselves and have to control the killers they are with. So I guess the answer is no.
![]() Raduga55: Has life became more difficalt for you since you became famous? Do you still go to your favorite grocery store or coffee shops?
![]() Dupuis: I used to. Being a guy from the far north, a small village, I used to like the city a lot, Montreal and everything. Now that I am famous, I can't get used to getting looked at and having pictures taken. So it is one reason I live in the country. So right now, today, I don't have any problem with it, but that is because I am home in the country. But yeah, it was a puzzle for a couple of years.
![]() codenameviv: How would you describe yourself in three words (French or English)?
![]() Dupuis: I can't describe myself in three words and I don't want to describe myself in three words. :)
![]() TVGEN: Thanks for joining us tonight, Roy. It was a lot of fun.
![]() Dupuis: Until next time, everyone, thanks for chatting and sorry we can't answer all the questions. And au revoir!
![]() TVGEN: And thanks for all your great questions tonight. Stay tuned... all week long Yahoo and TVGEN chat will be bringing you a different star from La Femme Nikita.
Eugene Robert Glazer
(January 6, 1999)
TVGEN: Welcome! Tonight's chat is with La Femme Nikita's Eugene Robert Glazer.
Welcome, Eugene. Glad you could join us this evening.
Eugene Robert Glazer: Fire away!
Nikita507: Was the decision to change your hairstyle yours, or was it suggested
s a way to enhance your character?
Glazer: That's a good question. Actually the credit has to go to my wife. She has
always been after me to go blond and I always resisted, until one day I said, Why
not! So there you have it.
Sanlin528: What are the most positive and beneficial influences and experiences
at have entered your life as a result of portraying the character Operations?
Glazer: Playing the character has helped me find a certain focus, made me realize
that in acting as in life, less is more. And it's helped me have an understanding of
what difficulties people are involved in and with in the intelligence communities.
Sanlin528: Will more of the past history and relationship between Operations and
Madeline be revealed this season?
Glazer: I have no idea.
doublerun2: Who does Operations consider to be his biggest threat?
Glazer: His wife! LOL! No, no, no. His biggest threat really would be George in
chelleparm: What in your opinion is the hardest aspect of Operations to portray?
Glazer: To cut off all emotions no matter how he personally feels about it, and
again focus on the objective, which is the most important thing for him.
Sanlin528: Do you have any observations or comments you'd care to offer up about
the character Operations, and your perception of his role and status in Section
(especially for this third season)?
Glazer: There will be, without giving things away, some very intertesting things
going on this year, as far as character development, and Operations' past. There
will be some things coming up to really haunt him, and some serious complications.
latika_2: What has been the best experience in acting for you?
Glazer: I would have to say, though they are few and far between, doing Hollywood
Shuffle with Robert Townsend in 1986. It's the way the film was done, on the run on
credit cards, and being able to have fun with five different characters in the film.
kar413: Eugene, you missed the LFN convention in October! What were you doing
that was more important then us??
Glazer: That's a long story! But it was some family matters, an illness, that had to
be attended to.
Cathy_Atkinson: Gene, I need to start budgeting for the next LFN convention.
Does your wife, like Don's, allow you to kiss your fans if it's to make a lot of money
for charity?
Glazer: Actually, my wife is very fussy about this. Kissing to her is very, very
personal. So on the cheek is fine — but maybe for charity we could sneak a few in.
If the bid is good!
chelleparm: Whom do you most admire?
Glazer: Actually, it could be a long-winded answer. I haven't actually met this
gentleman but I have spoken to him. He was a POW in the Hanoi Hilton for 6 1/2
years, and I have been communicating with him for the last year and a half. And I
also read his story, which was quite amazing.
seadoenay: Is Operations truly evil, or just the result of extended trauma, first in
childhood and then in Vietnam?
Glazer: Well he's not evil, number one. What he experienced in Vietnam and
thereafter gave him a particular outlook in his profession. And he sees what evil
can do, and he's willing to go as far as it takes to eradicate it.
doublerun2: As your character evolves, would you prefer him to soften or harden?
Glazer: I would prefer him to soften just a little bit. In that kind of a position,
softness is considered weakness, and you'd be devoured in no time.
latika_2: Are you anything like the character that you play?
Glazer: I wish I was. LOL!
MaryA38: What has been the most difficult scene emotionally and why?
Glazer: The most difficult scene was in the show "Missing," when my son was
talking about me to Nikita. It was very difficult listening to someone that you love
and cannot make contact with.
Sanlin528: Section One is portrayed as being a very harsh environment, and
Operations is a very intense character. What do you do on the set to relieve this
Glazer: Oh, we joke around a lot. I do a lot of takes that are more or less humorous,
unbeknownst to the other actors and director. I take liberties with the script and
do certain things that just crack people up. I then say, "That's for the wrap reel."
Sanlin528: If it came down to a power struggle for control of Section--between
Madeline and Operations, or between Michael and Operations--what do you think
the eventual outcome would be?
Glazer: Operations would still be running Section One.
Francoise_CovertOp: Do you think Madeline has an agenda all her own, apart
from Ops and Section One?
Glazer: Madeline is very difficult to read, I sometimes have no idea what
Madeline's agenda is.
aROYies: Who is your favorite author?
Glazer: There are so many of them. When I was younger I read James Baldwin,
Robert Ludlum for spy stuff, Arthur Miller, Henry Miller, all those guys.
nwiltsey: I love the show, it is fantastic. I have a question. Does Peta have a
significant other? If not can you introduce us?
Glazer: Well she does have a significant other. So, sorry, but you're out of luck!
Could you handle Peta?!
Cathy_Atkinson: Gene, it was a real pleasure meeting you at Lights, Camera,
Auction. Am I going to be cancelled for putting that animation of you stripping on
the Web? :-)
Glazer: No, actually not. John Cassar, the director, warned me not to do it and that
it would wind up on the Web, and I just laughed at him and said no way. But you
won't be cancelled, it was for charity.
latika_2: Do you have a lot of input into your character?
Glazer: To a certain degree, yes. I gave them a bio at the very onset of the show,
and they have drawn from some of that. And yes, I think we have all established
our characters so well, we really understand the mood and feeling of the characters,
and they basically go along with our decisions with certain choices.
Cathy_Atkinson: Gene, the Ops and Maddy fans are very excited about the
"big revelation" about their relationship that Chris Heyn has promised us. Any hints?
Glazer: I haven't been told anything yet, so I'll be just as surprised.
la_femme_fanatic: Did you do anything special over the LFN hiatus?
Glazer: No, just went to visit family in Vancouver.
Northstar8a: Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Glazer: LOL! On a beach in the Bahamas, relaxing.
MissionOp: Can you briefly tell us about your acting career?
Glazer: It started in New York, moved to Los Angeles and then to Toronto doing
films and television, and that brought me to this point.
silvermerlynn: We have asked the other LFN people with accents if this stopped
them from getting roles, has your NY accent ever been a problem?
Glazer: Yes it has. I'm sure that there have been certain roles that didn't require
the accent. I'm sure I've lost roles because of it.
EAmado6: What are your favorite TV shows, other than La Femme Nikita?
Glazer: I love The Larry Sanders Show. Seinfeld. L.A. Law. And occasionally,
Ally McBeal. I mean Law and Order, not L.A. Law.
MaryA38: What was your favorite episode and why?
Glazer: Hmm. Quite a few. I actually preferred "Missing," which was my character's
episode, and the only reason is that it was able to show another side of him, an
emotional, caring side. A very tortured man, but who really has to hold it in. It
peeled away some of the layers of the character.
seadoenay: Do you think that Madeline REALLY killed her husband for you?
Glazer: Not for me. He really had to be cancelled. It was a necessity. But she
never liked the guy anyway.
doublerun2: Have any of your experiences on Wall St. been incorporated into
the character of Operations?
Glazer: None whatsoever.
Francoise_CovertOp: On cold, rainy Saturday nights do you and your wife ever
pretend you're Ops and Madeline? *grin*
Glazer: We have a better fantasy life going on!
Cororna: Your character seemed to be a bit inconsistant (ha, understatement) last
season. Would you say he's back to usual dictator-like self this season?
Glazer: He's bigger and meaner this year.
Mark__CPA: Is Operations a hero or someone to be feared?
Glazer: I would say both.
Reeeh: Is Madeline Operations' weakness, like Nikita is Michael's weakness?
Glazer: Hmm. She can be because of their past, and because she knows him so
Francoise_CovertOp: You did a lot of "covert" research for your character when
the series began. Do you continue to talk with government agencies to add more
intelligence to your character database?
Glazer: I've never talked to government agencies. I have a vast amount of research
nailsbnbroken: I would like very much see Michael and Nikita get together; what's
your opinion on that? I'd also like to see Makeline soften up just a tiny tiny bit; do
you think they can give you and her a heart when it comes to Michael and Nikita
being more than just working buddies? Thank you and I really love the show.
Glazer: No. I think that being together emotionally and physically is very distracting
and very dangerous in this kind of business. At the end of the show, they can ride
off into the sunset!
chelleparm: If you could play a character in history, who would it be?
Glazer: That's a tough one. Let me think a moment there. Hmmm. Probably either
Michaelangelo or Da Vinci, someone with that kind of imagination.
cecarr87: Have you ever handled a loaded pistol before?
Glazer: Many times. Especially when I was younger holding up liquor stores. Oh,
my God, just kidding!
NicNac100: Do you perform all your own stunts?
Glazer: Most of them, yes.
sameasyou101: Have you ever kissed Nikita?
Glazer: Nooooo. It would be like kissing my daughter.
Sanlin528: Can you describe the experience of what it's like to portray Operations?
Glazer: It's a wonderful experience because you have the chance to have that much
focus power, resources right at your fingertips, and it's a very gratifying experience,
to be able to have all of that right in the palm of your hand.
yada_me: Hey Eugene! You ever get tired of playing a man with all the power? ;-)
Glazer: Yes. It's nice to be able to do different things. That's why most actors enjoy
taking a break to stage, doing films. You get a chance to play a lot of different
characters. It's really difficult staying with the same character for so long.
doublerun2: What brand of cigarettes does Operations smoke??
Glazer: Oh, I can't give that away! They've cut down his smoking also.
la_femme_fanatic: Are you working on any other projects besides LFN?
Glazer: Actually I finished something just before Christmas with John Hurt and Joe
Pantoliano, and it was a lot of fun. New Blood, directed by Michael Hurst. I don't
know when it will be out.
Reeeh: How did you spend the holidays?
Glazer: In Vancouver with family.
drs_drs: Which actor or actress would you like the opportunity to work with?
Glazer: Gene Hackman, DeNiro, Pacino. God there are so many fine actors out
there. Susan Sarandon. The list goes on.
LindaVa_lfn: What do you like to do in your free time?
Glazer: I don't have a lot of free time. But what I'm back home in L.A. I enjoy doing
a little carpentry around the house, gardening, I enjoy cooking.
Reeeh: What is the "Tower" exactly? Is that where Operations lives?
Glazer: That is a very private getaway for Operations. He doesn't live there.
sameasyou101: Are you ever gonna turn on Section One and kill all of them?
Glazer: Well, we'll have to talk to the writers about that! But then I'd be out of a job,
wouldn't I?
seadoenay: Eugene, I just love Operations, I feel his pain, LOL... what makes
Operations tick?
Glazer: His intense desire to destroy anything that stands in his way that can
bring about harm to his government and/or to innocent people.
SpecOps99: You are cold and calcuting on the show. What are you like at home?
Glazer: I should put my wife on for that one! Very easygoing. Really, kind of a
yada_me: Eugene, Are you involved in any MIA projects?
Glazer: No I'm putting together information to write one. And that seems like it's
going to take a bit of time to do because I don't have a lot of time to work on it.
SpiderwebLFN: Gene, what were your first impressions of the LFN cast?
Glazer: Alberta Watson I know from Los Angeles, she's an old friend. Don Francks,
I've seen his work and I adore him. Matthew I didn't know, and Peta I didn't know.
And after just being with them for a short time, I adore them. They're wonderful,
each in their own right.
doublerun2: What kind of reading material does Operations have on his
Glazer: He probably has some T.S. Eliot poetry and some Oscar Wilde. And
Robert Ludlum.
aROYies: Do you like poetry? If so, what is the most profound poem that you
have ever read?
Glazer: One of my favorite poems is by Dylan Thomas. I believe the title of it is
Fern Hill.
Gevalia47: Hello Mr. Glazer from California: Can you tell us about your role as
Peter Kaufman on General Hospital in 1992?
Glazer: Oh, my Lord. I was a child molester. But's that as far as it went; they didn't
continue the character or the storyline.
MissionOp: If you had your choice of which character to play on LFN, which would
it be?
Glazer: Definitely, Peta.
latika_2: Are you surprised at the show's overwhelming success and popularity?
Glazer: Yes I am, actually. I'm tremendously pleased by it. It's nice to have
recognition for the work you're doing. Really, all of us at the show appreciate it, it's
TVGEN: Gene, thanks for joining us tonight, and good luck on the show. Please
come back and join us again.
Glazer: Thanks everyone for supporting us, and please keep on supporting us. It's
nice to feel that energy, it's wonderful. It makes doing the job a lot better. Good night!
![]() Alberta Watson
(January 7, 1999)
Alberta: Hi Folks, glad to be here and look forward to starting this chat in a moment.
TVG: Welcome Alberta! Thanks for joining us!
Alberta: Happy Near Year to all of those wonderful Alberta's Apprentices!
teeker1_98: Did you ever expect the show to become so popular?
Alberta: You never know. You truly never know. I thought it had a chance because I thought the casting was clever, and it was a fresh idea. So, I thought it had a chance.
nikitafreak: Alberta, you haven't received as much press as some others in the show. Tell us a little about yourself.
Alberta: it's top secret! There's so much, I wouldn't know where to start.
tmiller429: From what has been filmed so far, how do you like season 3?
Alberta: Seems more violent to me. Not that that bothers me. This particular show we're shooting now, show 7, I'm really enjoying. I'm trying to have some slight nuances with Madeline. I'm trying to find different areas I can do that, and I hope that comes through.
Cathy_Atkinson: Alberta, I've been wondering, I saw that you did some guest appearances on "The Equalizer" when Joel Surnow was working with that show. Is that where he met you and did he have you in mind for Madeline when the character was created?
Alberta: Joel and I didn't know each other, I didn't know him before Nikita on Equalizer./ I'm assuming this. I've never really sat down and talked to him about it. But I never knew him before Nikita.
reega: What is it like on the set of LFN?
Alberta: The cast and crew are really terrific, I'm so comfortable with everyone there. For the most part, we have a good time. The hours can be so long though, it can get tedious. We wait around a lot. That's the hardest part about shooting. But it's really a great group of people.
WalterOlsen: What was it like to do an action film like "The Soldier"? Did playing an espionage agent in that film help you get the part in Nikita?
Alberta: I doubt it. And to be honest with you, that whole experience of the Soldier... I had a great time because we shot in Germany and then in Israel and I was drunk most of the time--unfortunate, but true--those days are long gone however! So I only remember having a good time; I don't remember much of the movie!
Danalfn: Which guest star have you most enjoyed working with?
Alberta: there have been so many of them! On Nikita, Harris Yullin. He was probably my favorite. I liked a lot of them. Everyone has been so gracious. I've never gotten attitude from any of them. people are happy to be working.
T_B040: How did you get started in show biz?
Alberta: I joined a theatre company when I was 15. It was a very avante garde theatre company in Toronto. From there I started working professionally when I was 19. My first gig was a CBC movie. A good movie, actually. Then I went to NY to study with Gene Lasko, and I studied with him off and on for years.
Jane_Bond14: What parts of the character Madeline can you relate to?
Alberta: Control. Something I'm trying to soften myself from. I need to relinquish some of it.
Jenni_Apprentice16: Alberta, do you enjoy portraying a character with as many cunning twists and turns as Madeline? Is it difficult or do you just like to have fun with it?
Alberta: I wish there were more twists and turns. On this last episode I played a psychiatrist, and I got to step out of the Madeline bounds. I got to be more soft, more caring. I got to play another dimension. And that was great. I'd like there to be a lot more of that. The parameter is real small in terms of just being Madeline. Like Madeline going undercover is a lot more fun. Madeline who she IS< is very constricted.
Wickdoll: Alberta, do you have much input with your character's development?
Alberta: I haven't really thought a lot of it until recently. It's a double-edged sword for me, because I like the amount of days that I work on the show, which usually only averages three days out of seven. Plus I'm always in the studio. Now if I were to request that they start maybe developing her role, it would mean more days.
Yeknom_Ym: How were you cast for the part. Where you automatically given the lead, or were you recommended for the job?
Alberta: I just got a phone call, and they said we love you. I had to screen test. I didn't want to. But I spoke to Joel, and he said don't worry about if it's a formality. So please just do the test to appease whomever. And I said, Okay.
Juliet1716: When you first met Peta and Roy, what did you think of them?
Alberta: Wow! They were both so good looking. I was intrigued by both of them, because they're both so different. Peta is a whirling dervish, a tornado of energy. Roy is very reserved and hawk-eyed. And both so beautiful.
LindaVa_lfn: I am really curious to know exactly how Madeline came into Section. Can you give us any hints?
Alberta: Your guess is as good as mine. Yours would probably be better.
Nikita507: We have seen Madeline stop her heart, kill her husband, and cancel people. is there anything she won't do?
Alberta. No.
itm55: Alberta, do you do any socializing with the cast members after hours?
Alberta: No.
Reeeh; is there an inspiration when you play Madeline?
Alberta: I don't draw on anything. Or as little as possible.
RedAura: Hi Alberta! What was the most difficult episode for you to prepare for as Madeline.
Alberta: I never prepare. And I don't mean that to be flip. It's not the type of role where I need to do a lot of background. Because you know in the audience you don't see a lot of history. Maybe the one with Harris Yullin.
GIJade: Was it the show's choice to have your hair cut, or your own? By the way... I like it :)
Alberta: No, I was sick, I had treatments, I lost it and I'm well know.
hbrown180: Will Madeline & Operations ever allow Michael & Nikita to have a serious relationship?
Alberta: No. Good God no!
sosefin: Alberta, are you going to be doing tv appearances in the US anytime soon?
Alberta: I don't like to leave Toronto. I won't. I did the Mike Bullard show up here, and I had fun, but I'm not like a publicity hound. It's nice to see things said about you that are nice. But I don't really care about it. I'd like to be respectful the fans, that's for sure. because they put in a lot of time and effort. And send lots of good wishes and thoughts. So I'd like to show them my appreciation, but that's about it.
Kiki_Lfn: Is it hard for you to slip into Madeline's character, or is she a part of you now?
Alberta: Not really hard, no.
Cathy_Atkinson: Who's is your favorite character that you've ever played, and why?
Alberta: probably "Spanking the Monkey." because her actions were pretty radical and horrific, and trying to find the humane part of her. It was the challenge and the fun.
Wickdoll: Alberta, considering it's controversial subject matter, do you regret doing "Spanking the Monkey?"
Alberta: Why? Good God no! That's why I did. Who wants to do pale, mundane, shit. As an actor you look for things that are going to moving in some way, it doesn't have to be deep and profound, it can be funny and absurd, but you want it to be moving. So I wouldn't want to do anything that was on the fence.
Cathy_Atkinson: Alberta, one of my favorite episodes was "Gambit". Are we going to get another episode focused primarily on Madeline this season?
Alberta: Hi Cathy! I have no idea. I hope so.
lakita_2: Do you think that a place like Section One exists in the world.
Alberta: Oh, probably. What a thought! Probably.
lynette_taylor: We are so glad you're back, and looking great! What lifestyle changes have you made since being diagnosed with lymphoma?
Alberta: I just try and slow down much more, and try and be aware of every day, and knowing that at any time life ends. And my appreciation for who is in my life and what I have accomplished in my life makes me feel really good. And I don't ever want to take my life for granted. So I've tried to slow down and really try and smell the roses. Some people don't get well, and we're all going to die sometime. So I guess just having it in my face made me realize that I want to try and be fulfilled every day as much as possible.
Reeeh: How do you spend time off the set?
Alberta: I love to read. Anne Tyler, Rose Tremaine. Reading those books, those sort of self-awareness books by Carolyn Myss, Thomas Moore, those types of spiritual, other-worldly kind of books. I like to spend time at my cottage with my dogs. And I love to just hang out with my boyfriend and my friends.
Kiki_Lfn: What did you do on your LFN hiatus?
Alberta: Over Christmas we went to the Bahamas. The first day we landed we got to the resort, and it was all Italian!! It was a resort for Italians, which we didn't know! And the food was so mediocre. But we were on Eleuthra and it was so beautiful. And I got lots of sandflea bites. And nobody pities me, they just say, shut up!
Jenni_A16: Does everyone like to play practical jokes on the set?
Alberta: When we're inspired to! Roy is pretty funny, he has a very dry sense of humor. The crewmembers are pretty silly. I'd say it's a silly group, all in all.
WalterOlsen: You did an action film called "best Revenge". Was it fun to shoot in Turkey? And why did it take five years for the film to get released?
Alberta: Because it wasn't a very good movie! It was made a long time ago, about 16 years ago. We didn't shoot in Turkey, we did a mockup of Morocco in Spain, and Spain was delicious. Beautiful country. I have never actually seen the movie. I've not seen a lot of my movies.
MarieApprentice1: We've all heard about your bunny slippers. Do you have any other secrets to share with us?
Alberta: I just walk around in my slippers. Because they have me in these three inch heels which I cannot walk around in! Sometimes, occasionally when I watch a show I look like I walk funny, and now I know why.
Au_Natural_101: Alberta, what can loyal viewers expect from your character in the future episodes?
Alberta: I don't know. I get the scripts a week before we shoot.
ALL4Schmoo: How long does it take to shoot one episode?
Alberta: Seven days?
Reeeh: What is your favorite scene and episode?
Alberta: probably one between Harris and I, but we had a good connection going. I can't remember which one. Or maybe one with the mother, that was a good one. I don't know.
churchmn: Will you do more plays in New York?
Alberta: Possible.
Hollydream: How do you feel about having such a big following of fans?
Alberta: it's mixed. It's good mixed. I'm really flattered. And it's just odd to have a slew of people think you're something special. It's very odd. They want to know everything about you and your characters. To me it's just odd. I'm not particularly interesting, I don't think.
alyxx: Do you or any of the cast ever read the message boards on the various websites?
Alberta: I do. I read the one that Cathy put up, and she's the unofficial Alberta Watson fan club.
All4Schmoo: What other actors or actresses would you like to work with in the future?
Alberta; Emily Watson. I'm so inspired by her. She's a very gifted young lady. I like Kate Blanchett, Helen Mirren, Frances McDormand. I love Morgan freeman.
Hollydream: Everyone seems to make new Years resolutions. Many that don't get kept. :) Did you make any and what were they?
Alberta: I did, but I didn't keep them, so it's not worth saying. Actually, I didn't make any. I was just being flippant. This is the first year I did not.
KEYLFN: We know you attended the Lights, Camera, Auction fund-raiser. What did you think of it, and would you attend again next year?
Alberta: That was a lot of fun. The fans are so considerate. It was fun watching them have a good time. And yes, absolutely, I would go again. They sent my portions of the monies to charities that I love, which was great.
reega: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Alberta: Who knows? I have no idea. And that's okay. I don't need to know. As I say, I'm trying to keep myself in the present as much as possible.
HawksGuy: is Alberta your real name or a tribute to being Canadian?
Alberta: That's cute! No, it's my real name.
Danalfn: How does it feel to have messageboards and mailing lists devoted to you? Is it flattering, unnerving, or both?
Alberta: When I was sick, I had the most touching wishes and prayers, that helped me through a lot of really hard days. I just want to let people know how much that meant to me.
Cathy: In your "Elm Street" interview last year, you talked about a movie that you might be doing this year based on the life of a real person. Any news on that yet?
Alberta: We're still working on that one.
TVG: What do you have coming up next?
Alberta: "The Life Before This", a film I shot in the fall with a greet cast. Stephen Rea, Katherine O'Hara, a lot of great talent from Toronto. I think it's going to be a very good movie, and I'm excited about in.
TVG: Thanks so much for joining us and best of luck with LFN and the upcoming movie! We are glad that you are feeling better and look forward to seeing more of you!
Alberta: Thank you for all your good thoughts. All the best in 99, and stay tuned to the show. And it's my pleasure to be here! I'm sorry I couldn't get to all the questions.
Matthew Ferguson
(January 4, 1999)
TVGEN: Hi! And thanks for joining the chat!
widow1: How was your Christmas holiday, Matthew, did you get what you wanted? :)
Matthew: Yes, I did. I got a wonderful telescope circa 1900 that my great grandfather brought over from Scotland. That was the best gift by far that I got.
EAmado6: Matthew--Are you as computer knowledgeable as Birkoff is?
Matthew: No, nowhere near, but I'm trying to learn. I have a MAC Classic, and I've been thinking about upgrading for quite a while now. It crashed two months ago but I replaced the hard drive because that was the easiest, since I was in the middle of working on something.
PippyFoofenshnoof1: What is your favorite part about on La femme Nikita?
Matthew: getting paid, working with the other actors, and having the chance to have a regular job where I can learn every week.
Nikita_of_Section: Matt, I was just wondering about a certain scene in "Looking for Michael." In Nikita's apartment there is a close-up of you touching Nikita's arm, to comfort her when she believes that Operations is trying to cancel her. Should we read anything into this, or was it just a simple act of friendship? Thanks! (Love you a lot, to me you are the hottest guy on the show!)
Matthew: You can read into it whatever you like!
Chipander: Greetings from the Grand Canyon State! We KNOW Birkoff is a sweet tooth, but what about you? Do you get to pick the snacks Birkoff eats while fighting for "Truth, Justice and the Anti-terrorist Way"?
Matthew: yes, I have a sweet tooth too, I am right now eating dark Lindt bittersweet chocolate. I am fussier than Birkoff. he just goes for the sugar buzz, but I am a chocolate connoisseur.
ms_thang1_1999: what is your favorite movie?
Matthew: That's a hard question. Well, Star Wars, Diva, The Godfather, those would be in the top three.
Mark_CPA: In my opinion, LFN is one of the rare cases where the TV show is far better than the film/book that inspired the show. Did you see the film(s) and what did you think of them?
Matthew: Yes, I saw them both. I liked Luc Besson the best, and I thought Bridget Fonda did a great job in the Point of No return. But the opening scene of the original movie in the drugstore as well as Victor, the Cleaner, just put that on my top 20 movies list.
Juliet1716: Matthew, when you first met Peta, what did you think of her?
Matthew: She scared me. I pronounced her name Petta, with a soft e, and as she was walking away she barked at me "My name is PEETA" and kept walking! But right away I knew that she was someone not to mess around with. Since then, we've become good friends. And I love working with her.
Darkness_89: What actors if any inspired you to be a movie star?
Matthew: Tom McCamus, who you can see in "I Love a Man In Uniform," is my stage and screen idol.
BrennaTygre: Matthew: how has the character of Birkoff evolved for you since Season 1?
Matthew: He's grown up a little. He's taking a harder look at the agency he works for, and I think that has even caused him to have more fear. For the Section.
timandra_: Matthew, what new developments can we expect from Birkoff in season three?
Matthew: You'll have to stay tuned. But so far, we're seven episodes into the shooting, and I've been very busy.
LYNNNNYL: if you were given the opportunity to portray any literary character, who would it be, and why?
Matthew: It would be Homer from "Cider House Rules", just a fantastic, well-rounded character who goes on a very circular journey, and I'm a huge John Irving fan.
la_femme_fanatic: Were you able to make any other movies during the LFN hiatus?
Matthew: No.
Littlebittyprettyone13: What is your favorite acting part and what movie?
Matthew: that I appeared in, I enjoyed playing Bilodeau in Lilies. he was so full of emotion and confused and slightly sinister, it was a challenge, but a lot of fun. Well, I shouldn't say fun because it was a lot of hard work, but it was rewarding in the end.
ChibiMokona: Matthew, thanks for coming to this chat! Will there be any good Birkoff episodes this season? Possible were Birkoff will get to show lots of emotion? Thanks.
Matthew: We are even episodes into it, and I've been featured in a couple. there's no huge mental breakdown scenes, but the writers have taken Birkoff to at least one new place.
KatiMoore: Matthew, if it comes to a showdown will Birkoff side with Michael/Nikita or Ops/Madeline? Also, which side would YOU choose?
Matthew: I think not even Birkoff knows the answer to that question. he'd have to decide in the moment. And me personally, I'm glad I know it's fiction so I don't have to make the choice, because I wouldn't want to be in any of their bad books!
MidnightMoons: Do you know if we will see Gail (Tara Slone) back this season, or will Birkoff get a new love interest?
Matthew: I don't know the answer to that.
KatLFN: Matthew, what influenced you to become an actor and what aspirations do you have for the future?
Matthew: I always enjoyed acting ever since I was in nursery school. And once I went to a school for the arts and studied, I grew to like it more, and I was already involved while in High School, in professional theatre productions. before I had a chance to second guess my interests as a career move. And I hope to keep working until I am on my deathbed.
Reeeh: What is your favorite LFN scene and episode?
Matthew: My favorite episode would be episode number 219 with Madeline's husband, I can't remember the title. And I think my favorite scene is the beginning of rescue, where they blow up the chemical factory.
angeljam: What aspects of personality and behavior have you contributed to your character.
Matthew: I can be slightly cynical like Birkoff. But I try not to be as paranoid.
doublerun2: Hi Matthew. What were your impressions of the October LFN Convention?
Matthew: I had a great time. I was glad Don was there with me, because I was floored by the response of the audience. I was grateful that there were so many people there, to know that they are that interested in the show and the work we do. And they all seemed like people who wanted to have a good time and brought a good time with them.
Zou_zou: Matthew, you seemed very surprised by the fan response at the convention. Was that your first experience with fans like that?
Matthew: Definitely, with that many.
latika_2: What was the best advice anyone gave you about acting and life in general?
Matthew: Just try and be honest.
MidnightMoons: What's the first big purchase you bought when you became a star?
Matthew. A house. I bought a house in the neighborhood where I grew up, after filming "Lilies" and returning from Italy after filming "The English Patient." It still sounds strange to hear someone say "When you became a star." I'm glad somebody thinks so!
Mark_CPA: I was very concerned about Alberta's health when we learned of her lymphoma. She looked good in the season premiere last night. How is she and the cast handling her medical issues? Thanks. It simply wouldn't be the same without Alberta!
Matthew: You're absolutely right, it wouldn't be the same without her. Thankfully, she's doing fantastically well. She is in full remission, and while she was in chemotherapy, and she still worked like a trooper, we all just tried to be there for her as much as possible.
TaraLJC: Having now seen "Love and Human Remains" and "Eclipse" I was curious if you were planning on doing more indie film work? Your work was quite extraordinary in the latter, by the bye.
Matthew: I'd love to do more independent films. And hopefully this summer I'll have that opportunity. My agreement with Nikita is such that I can't really do other work while we are filming.
Cathy_Atkinson: Matthew, do you have a theory about how Birkoff got into Section at such a young age? He must have only been a teenager.
Matthew: I don't know the answer, and maybe even the writers don't know yet. But my theory has always been that he hacked into somewhere he wasn't supposed to and he was given the ultimatum of Come work with us, or we fry your brain. And probably at the time, while scared, he was also thrilled with the hardware he'd be able to play with.
lfngal: Would you like to pursue other artistic forms? For example, writing, producing, or directing?
Matthew: I love acting. And I find plenty of challenges with that.
lynette_taylor: do the cast members socialize off the set?
Matthew: yes. often our work schedules prevent that, but I'm reminded of Eugene coming to visit me during a winter snowstorm in which we watched the Sixth Configuration and drank sherry. It was quite a riot.
sadie_s3: Do you guys joke around a lot on the set?
Matthew; We do joke around quite a bit when the work we're doing is more mundane. The nature of filming is such that we might have completed a tough part of the scene for the actors, and be waiting for something that is tricky for the technical department. And that's when we get a little goofy.
TaraLJC: It was great seeing you at the convention. Any plans to work again with Swizzle Stick Theatre again soon? Or does Nikita keep you too busy?
Matthew: Swizzle Stick theatre has branched off into two different companies. Right now I'm too busy to work with either. But I still have my stilts and I'll definitely make more appearances on them with either company independently.
shynquiet98: If there was one actor you would like to see on LFN who would it be and why?
Matthew: Christopher Walken. I've always admired as an actor. he walks a fine line between terror and humor, which I think would be great for the show.
Mugri: What is the best Canadian film in your opinion.
Matthew: there are so many great Canadian films. This week I've been viewing the five which are nominated for best film this year. "Such A Long Journey" is great. it's the only one I've seen so far of the five. Greatest Canadian movies of all time? "Jesus of Montreal." "The Shining," in a different genre. "The Sweet Hereafter" was great too. Those would be among my favorites.
glendagm: What kind of music do you like?
Matthew: The Beatles. Nina Simone. The Tragically Hip. the Wailers. And all sorts.
KatLFN: When you're on hiatus how do you like to spend most of your time?
Matthew: I'm a sports nut. I play hockey, soccer and golf. And tennis. I love going to see art. And last summer and this coming summer I'm part of a dragon boat crew.
TaraLJC: Hey Matthew. So, did you ever actually get your driving license?
Matthew: Yes, I got it on December 17. After failing in October.
SaltyDog56: What country is Section based out of? It can't be in the USA--flights are too quick to reach European countries...
Matthew; it's purposefully undisclosed.
sparkle_40475: while watching the last episode I noticed that a lot of the cast had different hairdo's... Especially Madeline--does this represent a change in her personality on the show--like a metamorphosis?
Matthew: The one hairdo that really goes along with the metamorphosis is Operations.
spoiledrottenin1998: Where was the best vacation you ever took?
Matthew: I've been lucky enough to go on many vacations. But as a kid, going to France and Spain with my family and one other close family provided some of my favorite memories. Since then I had two great vacations, one in Tobago, and one in Italy.
Nikita_of_Section: Matt, I have heard that you and Roy are practicing French together around the set of LFN. Are there any funny mistakes that you have made in front of the French "master" that you would kindly share? thanks a lot!
Matthew: We don't practice as a formal thing. But being Canadian, in a bilingual country, I try to speak French occasionally. I can't think of any flubs I've made in front of Roy. he might tell you differently though!
ChibiMokona: Matthew, what advice would you give someone who's trying to pursue a career in acting?
Matthew: Study hard. Don't give up. And enjoy each part you get. And find something in each character to love. I'm astonished again at how many people have logged on, and I hope you enjoy season three! I think it's getting better all the time!
![]() Don Francks
(January 8, 1999)
TVG: Welcome Don, thanks for joining us tonight.
Don: I have to say hello and gives kisses to all of my sweet wenches, because Walter fortunately has his wenches. And a couple of wenches who hopefully are guarding the door!
JustAmyG: OK... You know there are "Wenches" (I gave you the list in Toronto, #10 here)... what do you make of all of it... and are we nuts or what? We love Walter!
Don: Well, if anyone is going to call you nuts, it's me but in a most loving fashion. It's really nice to have someone who's nuts over me. The wenches are most intelligent, and one of the reasons that they are most intelligent is because they have an extreme high sense of humor, which pleases me.
beef_and_broccoli: Hi Don. I love LFN. You're the best. Do you like the direction the writers are taking your character? Where would you like to se your character go?
Don: I think my character is probably one of the best characters on the show, mainly because I have a chance to show love, friendship, affection, decency, thoughtfulness, awareness, tenderness and we can't leave out sexiness. As far as direction of where the writers may take me, I think Walter is a very mysterious character, and I think that mystery is going to stay there for a while--we don't know. We don't know where he came from, and we don't know where he's going. The only thing we can ask for is that he has a degree more involvement than he has in the past.
Sanlin528: Walter has a fantastic set of equipment to play with, as head of munitions and armaments in the high-tech fictional world of Section One. What would you say his (or your own, as an actor) favorite prop, gadget, mechanical device, or special effect from the series would be?
Don: The ongoing creations are too varied and ofttimes the viewer must know that Walter has created a multitude of the devices used in each of the episodes. Even though they don't see him making them.
Sanlin528: As an actor, is it fun playing a character who is the "Inspector Gadget" or James Bond style "Q" for Section? Do you like gadgets and technology in real life?
don: In real life my gadgets are from another era. Many of my friends, wenches, and otherwise, realize that my love is with more antiquated machinery and devices. namely, mode T Ford racing cars, old motorcycles, old antique wooden boats, and the history involved in all of the above mentioned, including air ships, biplanes, which leaves you to realize that Don and possibly Walter is a motorhead! Meaning that he loves anything that goes by itself with his involvement.
LFNCovert_ops: Hope you had good holidays :) I know you collect antique cars and cycles, which is your favorite?
Don: That would be like choosing my favorite wench. Utterly impossible. Each one has its own spirit, its own lines, its own speed, and its own excitement.
beef_and_broccoli: What did you do for the holidays?
Don: How 'bout explosive quietness?
TVG: care to elaborate?
Don: To elaborate: the arrival of Cree Summer, road tired but excited from her European tour with Lenny Kravitz. Opening for him in Amsterdam, Berlin, Stuttgart, Paris, and other major cities, plus having Lili, my wife, and Rainbow's son Sun sharing our rented home, blessed with cold but good traveling weather. The gifts were sparse, but the main gift of us being together--enormous.
AnneMicha: Don, you made a very touching Xmas special called "The Christmas of Sara Betts"... Did you enjoy doing it and what prompted you to do it? Merci.
Don: When Michael McFarlane director-producer asked me to play the part of Joshua for the Salvation Army presentation, I was gratified to be part of such an undertaking. Sally Ann (Salvation Army) is know not just in the Western world, but in all nations as an organization that helps anyone, no matter race, color, creed. Recently, I understand in America when a poll was taken this old respected group was voted number one as far as people's trust toward donations and confidence. The Salvation Army is extremely pleased with Joshua, who may be in essence a street angel, and yet is very real and knows the streets well. There is a possibility that a series could evolve.
CyDoc9: Hi Don! I love your portrayal of Walter. My questions is: Of the various media you've worked with (TV, movies, theater, etc.), is there one you prefer over the others, and if so, how come?
Don: There is a time for one to bloom, and a time for a perennial. For me to find a particular choice once again is extremely difficult. There is something very special about doing a one-man show. To fly by the seat of your pants is challenging. But the rewards can come from that one-on-one experience that you can have with your audience.
SDNAndere: My theory is that Walter was a biker before Section. Can you shed any light on Walter's past?
Don: No, there has been no clue to Walter's past. Some consider him an ex-hippie. Others do favor the biker theory. Others talk or surmise a Native American connection. It's going to be fun for all of us as this season unfolds to see whether we are given a gram of information on this subject.
Sanlin528: because Operations is unwilling to cancel Walter, Walter has a lot more freedom of expression than most other characters on the series. Can you describe the experience of playing such a wise, passionate, and humorous character?
Don: As the series proceeds, we are exposed to each character's ability or inability to speak their free minds to Operations. He can be an overbearing task master, at times having nothing but Section's interest at heart. And there are those who say that he has no heart, except when it has to do with him personally. Walter manages to meet Operations toe to toe when necessary, but, as has been seen in the past, does accept Operations' prime position. Walter ofttimes finds it necessary to be devious in his dealings with operations. Sometimes Walter wins, sometimes he loses, but at least he tries! LOL!
Wickdoll: Don, what did your wife think of you *ahem* reaction to the ladies at the convention? Is your neck sore from sleeping on the couch? LOL.
Don: having a wench at home makes it easy for me to answer that. There's a little bit of her in all of you, and a little bit of you in her! She loves you all! LOL!
Nikita507: Don, when are the writers going to get Walter drugged up on a mission so we can year your great voice singing?
Don: I once proposed an episode which I tentatively called "Walter's Day Off" in which such a groovy happening occurred. Walter would have a high-heeled, short-skirted bad girl on the back of his flaming Harley, and stop in at a club where some musician friends of his were rehearsing, and end up being asked to sing some blues and jazz standards. After which as he's going to take off and hit the road again, she says "I kinda like the bass player!" LOL! he says "Go for it!" and hits the road onto some further adventures which I don't do into here! LOL! Needless to say, the writer said "yeah, that sounds great," and walked away. I haven't seen him again. LOL!
la-femme-fanatic: Are you working on another album? Any chance we are going to hear Walter sing in an episode?
Don: The CD I just completed is titled "Jazzsong" with Steve Hunter on concert grand piano, and David Tervis on fretless electric bass, bass six-string guitar, and upright bass. It is currently in the hands and heart of Susan Sternkopf at Warner Bros. Records in Hollywood. Time will tell, and maybe Susan too, if you contact her! LOL!
la-femme-fanatic: How has the success of LFN changed your life?
Don: LFN is allowing me a greater realm of friends internationally than I have previously known. Therefore, feelings of world peace, elimination of hunger, the cleanup of global pollution, a greater understanding of the environment, and humankind's independence, and a sharing of all of the above plus, let there be no more war, comes closer and closer to becoming a reality.
dejedgenet: Nikita once said, "Walter, sometimes I don't know if you're incredibly wise, or just full of crap." Which do you think?
Don: Sometimes when you're full of crap, if you're wise, you have the ability to open up your head on a windy day and dump what's in your head into your hands and throw it up into the wind. But don't take your hands away, because if you're lucky maybe a few grains of truth and wisdom will fall back into your hands, and the rest will fly away. I'm not talking about imposed truths. I'm talking about inarguable truths. Such as the need for a drink of water, the need for a breath of air, the need for some sustenance from sweet Mother Earth, and the need for friendship.
silbermerlynn: You have a great relationship with Nikita on the show. What is happening with that relationship this season?
Don: Nikita trusts Walter. It is reciprocal. Walter does his "Sugar." No matter what either of us is forced into, we will never lose that trust.
Sanlin 528: last season, Section's resident demolitions and explosive expert, Walter, was romantically involved with the character Belinda. Do you think we'll see any passions ignite between Walter and a new flame?
Don: There was mention of a new flame. In a past episode just completed. Whether this flame will burn brighter, or be snuffed again, is the great unknown. But Walter sure would like it!
Walter's Wench: At the fan convention, you mentioned that your son would be doing his best to get you online. Have you had a chance to check out the internet sites devoted to you, and if so, what do you link?
Don: Walter coming on line will happen soon, through the expertise of my daughter from a previous marriage, whose name is Tylersue, and her company "Tippy Canoe" (Tippy Canoe and Tyler Too!). She is most conversant in net-speak and computerese, and will be invaluable for further communiquŽs. Keep watching, keep surfing!
rblashock: hello! Could you tell us who the biggest "prankster" is on the set, and maybe something funny that they've pulled? Thanks!
Don: Walter is not on the set enough, the other characters being more prevalent have more time to involve themselves in such frivolity. LOL! Although I am know to involve everyone in a song, skit, jive and other forms of dementia!
lakita_2: What do you like to do for fun when you're not working?
Don: being involved in writing, singing, producing and other entertainment activities may seem to some like work. This is fun for me. The aforementioned hobbies can be work, especially when you can't get the damned Model T's cranked and started! Sometimes that's work. There is no difference. It's all just the joy of living.
yada_me: Don, tell us about any upcoming projects?
Don: The CD may provide an answer to this question. Which may mean personal appearances in concert, jazz festivals, plus the possibility of a one-man show which I tentatively title "The Lord, Lanny, and Me" (The Lord is Lord Buckley, Lenny is Lenny Bruce, and Me is definitely me!). Plus motions pictures in the offing.
TVG: Don, thanks for joining us tonight. Have a great week-end, and good luck with LFN> please join us again sometime.
DON: Because I don't have any fans, I just want to say how overwhelmed I am to have so many friends. Just because I love you doesn't mean I don't care! LOL! Thancks!
TVG: and thanks for all of you in the audience for joining in the TVGEN chat tonight... and thanks for all your questions.
Peta Wilson
(March 30, 1998)
TVGEN: Welcome to the TVGEN/Yahoo! Chat Auditorium. Our guest tonight is Peta Wilson, star of the hit USA Network series La Femme Nikita.
![]() Crisytina: Peta, what has been the biggest change you've had to contend with in season 2?
![]() Peta Wilson: Season 2 has been a lot easier, more time off, more time to relax. I think that nothing's been too big to contend with. Sometimes the scripts have gotten a little bit more complicated--that's a challenge sometimes, to make them work. And keep the reality within the scene and with the shows. Things have gotten more complicated in the plots, what's going on, where.
![]() Reeeh: What do you think Nikita has learned the most this season about Section, Michael and herself?
![]() Wilson: About Section, people and things are just not what they seem ever. Maybe, I think, she's getting to them a little, she thinks she's getting to their gray areas.
![]() Scottus_T: Hello Miss Wilson, are you as serious as your character?
![]() Wilson: No! I love to talk and to laugh, and I'm very trusting of people. Sometimes, I can be serious. I don't have the same stuff happen to me that happens to Nikita. Poor darling, I feel very sorry for Nikita sometimes.
![]() Sister613: Peta, the show seems to contain a lot of symbolism. Is this planned, or are we (the fans) overanalyzing again? :) Thanks!
![]() Wilson: No, I agree with that. I'm grateful that the fans notice the nuances. Sometimes and sometimes not, in terms of overanalyzing. I love to hear that people are analyzing, it makes me feel I'm doing my job well.
![]() Susan1014: Peta, your loyalty towards your family is such a beautiful thing as is so many other things about you. Since you recently bought some land in Australia I was wondering if you would consider moving home for good someday?
![]() Wilson: I plan to do that one day. I think family is very important and I'm blessed with having a good one. My aunt is with me now, my mother just left. I just bought this land, I'm building a house there. Maybe in 15 years. I like working in America, though.
![]() Tamy_S: Peta, any big plans for the hiatus coming up? Maybe a movie, or are you just planning on relaxing?!
![]() Wilson: Couple of movies. I'm reading a couple of scripts. I've had a couple of offers. But I'm being very choosy. But I think I'll do a movie called Mercy, maybe. It's a thriller. Even if I don't do it, people should go see it. It's a great script. And I plan to watch the foundations be laid for my house. I'd go insane if I didn't have my family around.
![]() Crisytina: Wouldn't you just like to have Maddy alone in the white room, no monitors, for just 10 minutes? LOL.
![]() Wilson: Thank God they saw that! I've been angling for a relationship with Birkoff for a while. No, I don't feel like that about Matthew. But I think Nikita is quite curious about Birkoff. She wonders what he'd be like.
![]() Cullerbeels: In the season opener, were you and Roy really naked or were you wearing something?
![]() Wilson: We were really naked!
![]() Wild_Isabeau: Are you surprised at how many fans you have out here?
![]() Wilson: I'm grateful, I am surprised. And flattered beyond expression. It was my third paid acting job, so I'm grateful. It makes me feel just very nice. Thanks.
![]() UncleWiggily1: Peta, what type of modeling did you do?
![]() Wilson: I made a living as a model for about seven years. I did magazine work, Levi's, commercials, editorials. I did pregnant catalogues, with rubber stomachs. I got hired a lot because people seemed to like me, not because I was the prettiest girl in the room. I did a lot of swimwear.
![]() Sister613: Peta, Joel Surnow suggested that there may be a "mystery" lurking for the fans in some future episodes. Can you give us a clue as to what this mystery is? Thanks!
![]() Wilson: I don't know. You'd better ask Joel. There's some interesting stuff going on, really good. He's good, that Joel Surnow. It's a good surprise, the fans are going to love it.
![]() Paskin: Would you have the guts to "cancel" someone, Peta, if your life was in danger?
![]() Wilson: No. If my child's life was in danger, he'd be gone. If I had to defend myself, I would defend myself as best I could. But I would never want to kill somebody. Just to have Nikita do it is hard enough. But love one another, right? Killing is not cool. I'd try to talk my way out of it. If all else failed, I'd try to hurt him or her.
![]() TnTeee: Do the writers allow you input into the character?
![]() Wilson: Yes, we discuss things. The writers have got it. In the beginning we used to do quite a lot of discussion, but now they understand the character.
![]() We have very clear communication. But I like reading the scripts and not knowing what's going to happen next. It keeps me interested, and I think it maybe makes me more interesting to the audience. And the more you give out as an actor, the more they can offer the actor. But Joel and his crew are really good.
![]() Januarybelle: What is your favorite junk food? Thanks!
![]() Wilson: I like hot chips and vinegar. I like Red Skins. What else do I like? I kind of like French fries with tomato sauce and vinegar.
![]() Wild_Isabeau: Did Nikita like Jurgen in the end? Really?
![]() Wilson: It's a hard question. Gosh, it's been so long. I think she respected him, his chivalry. He was brave. It took Nikita aback. I think in the end she felt kind of bad, because he was in love with her and she never was. She learned a lot of lessons from that.
![]() Goldfingernk: Some advice for aspiring young actors?
![]() Wilson: Study, study, study. No one can use the excuse, "If I just had an agent," "If I just had this or that..." If actors want to act, they should act. If you study hard and work hard, work will come--and don't be discouraged. Try to learn as much as you can. Read a lot. It stimulates your senses. And try and listen. Listen to people and watch them. Try and observe. Keep your ego out of the way. It would take years to answer this, and I still don't know anything.
![]() Stay focused. My drama teachers were: Arthur Mendoza at the Actors Circle Theater in L.A. He's tough but very good. He broke my balls, but he's really good. Tom Waits, not the singer, the actor, is very good. Sylvana Guilado. And Stuart Rodgers.
![]() But don't let anyone ever break your spirit. Don't give your talent away, own it. Own what it is that makes you special. There are teachers out there who are very frustrated actors and sometimes they hurt young talent. So be careful!
![]() Jazzlady_9: What attracted you to the Nikita script?
![]() Wilson: The French film was amazing. And the original pilot was like the film with some good adjustments. What an interesting role for a woman. As a film role for women, I think Nikita will go down as a really interesting role for a woman, whether I played it or not. Not that I'm going anywhere!
![]() Sister613: Peta, I love the bloopers on the Warner Brothers site. How often in the midst of a very serious scene does everyone just crack up laughing? Thanks!
![]() Wilson: Well, when I'm supposed to be really serious, sometimes I get the giggles, and I can't stop smiling. Then I have to try and work myself into a state. And sometimes it happens when we're tired. It's important to laugh, though. Sometimes it gets us through the day.
![]() Roy Dupois is French Canadian and has a really colorful sense of humor. The crew and the cast are very close, you know, it's like a big family. Everyone tries to make everyone feel good at all times.
![]() Hollydream: Do you think that someday we will see Little Nikita and Michael dolls at the local toy store?
![]() Wilson: Hey, let's hope so--and I want a piece of that! People should start writing letters! Demand your Nikita dolls! So in 20 years people can ask me what I do, and I can say, "Hey I live off dolls."
![]() PFrancoise: Is Nikita "buying into" Section philosophy more this season, or is she just adapting to stay alive?
![]() Wilson: She's adapting to stay alive. She does listen. They have done a lot of bad things to her. She's trying to understand their logic. But there is a big difference between her and them. She has a conscience and they don't. Imagine what that's like. She has to tread very warily around them. I can't disclose that. I'm as I've always been. Sometimes you'll see it. I try and leave it in there. I think it's important and so do the writers.
![]() Januarybelle: What is the weirdest piece of fan mail you have received? Thanks!!
![]() Wilson: I've had some weird ones from prison, people telling me how to kill people. I've gotten one from General Goodfeel Pearson, or something, some weird name. He went on to say that he and his wife watch the show every week and really love it. And how they really appreciate the light in me. And I'm thinking, this is really nice and sweet and inspiring! And then, he says something along the lines of: "And what would be really amazing would be when first thing in the morning I go to get my milk for my tea, I'd have a full length photo of you on the fridge naked." And this is the funny thing - my mother told me to look at the address, and my boyfriend had sent it! He's a writer. A writer-director.
![]() Goldfingernk: Was your height ever a problem for you? I'm 6'2" and just turned sixteen.
![]() Wilson: No, listen I'm only 5'10". But I try to walk like a six-footer. It's not a problem. Stand up straight.
![]() I was an athlete I played net ball. I used to hide my height from my opponents, so they'd never know how tall I was. I'd keep that extra inch or two up my sleeve. Height's a good thing. I like to look a man in the eye. And if I can't, I put on heels.
![]() Seadoenay: Peta, you are lovely and a joy to watch as Nikita. I just wanted to say thank you. So many of us identify with the character of Nikita.
![]() Wilson: You know what, thank you so much, because when I first started preparing this role, I thought this character could be anybody, a victim of circumstance, not a drugged-out killer.
![]() Often people are very innocent of stuff. I was always the one who was her in class. The one people would sometimes have it in for. I hoped Nikita would grab people's consciences. I wanted people to feel like they could identify with her point of view.
![]() guest_88d9041: Peta, if and when the last show is shown, do you want Nikita and Michael to finally be free?
![]() Wilson: Don't know. I'd like how I'm feeling about Mike at the moment so it's hard to answer for later. Nikita would be frightened. I can't speak for both of them at this point. Their relationship is so out there.
![]() Wrigleylfn: If you had to classify a turning point for Nikita's character, what episode would epitomize that turning point?
![]() Wilson: I think "New Regime" was a real turning point. Because she had to choose. She could have killed operations and Madeline and all of them. She could have disposed of the Section, but there was risk involved, they could have killed her. They were in a weird way like family. But every bloody episode is a turning point.
![]() Alex_guy: Peta, do you use stunt doubles frequently?
![]() Wilson: Yes I do. Although, I do all the fight sequences. I'm scared of heights, so the doubles do that. But I try to do as much as I can. There's insurance on these shows, and if you hurt yourself there's no show. So I have to be careful.
![]() Fredyvilla: What do you think is your best quality?
![]() Wilson: Gosh! What's my best quality!? This is what's so tragic - look how quickly I'm answering this! When I'm warming up, there's a moment, you say, what makes me special? I always say, my truths, my honesty. And that's what I bring. Sometimes too much so. I got a big Australian flapping off.
![]() Patti_lee_98: What part of Australia are you from?
![]() Wilson: I mean flapping mouth. I'm from all over, army brat. My mother lives in Carnes, and my father lives outside Sydney.
![]() Buffstudd_16: What do you like in guys?
![]() Wilson: That's hard! I don't know, jeez, they're different from women. They're necessary. And sometimes they're delightful. I like honesty in a man. There you go. Nice lips are good too. A good kisser, too.
![]() Speedfreakcollagen: Peta, do you ever feel pressured to be a good role model, so that young kids can look up to you?
![]() Wilson: No, I DON'T FEEL ANY PRESSURE EVER!!!! I don't know, I try not to think about that. That's not really an actor's job, it's just to do their job and act, and be conscious and aware of things going on around them. To make a difference in the roles they play.
![]() EdithSidebottom: Do you have any desire to work behind the camera?
![]() Wilson: It's the writer's responsibility. I'm the actress! I'd like to produce, yes, very much so. I've got a couple of things up my sleeves, actually. I won't say what, I'm learning. I'm a producer!
![]() I've always been on the stage. My father said recently that he was proud of me. Playing the piano when I was a kid, I was always entertaining. I appreciate behind the scenes, but I'm liking acting now. I'd like to do one film a year--that's really good as an actress. And produce the rest of the time.
![]() Henryd51: Who decides your look for Nikita?
![]() Wilson: We all do really, you know. It all dictates you see? We read the scripts and there's where it begins. It takes on color. We take risks. We go, what the hell! I'm very lucky, they've all got amazing taste. They're almost all Canadians, you know!! Look out!
![]() Shauri98: Are you as comfortable with technology in real life as you seem to be on the show?
![]() Wilson: Well, I'm more of a hands-on person, myself. I'm not uncomfortable with technology, but I'm sort of easing into it. I drive a '57 Thunderbird for goodness sake! But I'm very curious - about most things.
![]() PixieStix6: Can you really shoot a gun?
![]() Wilson: Well, yeah, I really shoot a gun on the show. I used to work with a guy called Tireon Mortell when I was preparing the show, and we shot a lot of guns. But I get scared, they could kill someone, they're freaky.
![]() AmyJoKG: How many hours a day do you work out? Do you diet?
![]() Wilson: I kind of just try and eat right. And when I need to lose weight, I eat properly. I try to work out an hour a day. I do yoga and stretch as I need to. I drink a lot of water and laugh a lot.
![]() Hollydream: If you could work with anyone, who would it be and why?
![]() Wilson: Too many!! Too many! Jeff Bridges is a big dish. So is Dennis Franz. There's so many people. I wished I could have worked with Montgomery Clift. Laurence Fishburn, Ellen Barkin, Gena Rowlands I adore, she's wonderful. Any actor that wants to play ball.
![]() BeautifulMist: Who's your best bud on the set - who do you hang out with?
![]() Wilson: Judy. I like 'em all, I'm buddies with them all, I have my moments with all of them during the day.
![]() Hollydream: What is the weirdest thing you have done acting-wise?
![]() Wilson: I don't know, acting is all strange. It's strange to be of a different mindset.
![]() PjHarveyRULES_00: What's it like working with Roy? Is he as serious as his character?
![]() Wilson: Roy is very serious, he's a very serious actor. But he has a very good sense of humor, and he's very eccentric, I think, and very intelligent. Very sharp. We're very different. I learn a lot from my experience with Roy.
![]() I just want to say thanks so much for your questions, it challenges me to think. Thanks for your support and loyalty. Be well, and nice to meet you all on the Internet.