Beautiful work, Jason...Loved the site and will come back for a longer visit when I can.
-- The former head of section one,
ERG, 11.9.02
I just wanted to say thank you for keeping this site alive, it is honestly my only Internet site fix for all things Section. I still watch episodes from my DVD collection and online, and have gone all the way to Toronto Canada just to see some of the locations it was filmed. again thank you and may LFN live on.
A Supporting Fan of the site (and of course the show),
--Johnny, Codename: Renaldo, 5.30.10
First: congratulations on your amazing site.
The encyclopedia page is important for all LFN fans. I found it when I went looking for “Nikita’s sister”, which is a topic that you don’t discuss, unfortunately.
Then, I started to read it. I noticed a few typos, but when I found a couple more serious errors – things which might mislead researchers – I started to keep a list of them. Here they are (I haven’t included less serious typos):
FIRESTEIN, DR. - the episode’s title is “Innocent”
Director Ken Girotti’s name is misspelled. By the way, he also directed several episodes of another one of my favourite series: Stargate SG-1.
LEEDS, RAY – the episode should be “Adrian’s Garden”
MARTIN, RENZO should be MARIN, RENZO. In that same entry, “Richard Arou” should probably be Ricardo Arou, which is the name used in his entry in the encyclopedia.
O”Keefe, Douglas needs an entry.
There is no episode given for the RED ZONE or SECONDARY QUARTERS entries. There may be others, but those are the only two I made a note about.
TAG – the episode’s title should be “Kiss the Past”
As I’ve said, I’m only mentioning these, because researchers could get wrong data.
It’s a great site.
--Stan Lapinski, 5.30.10
My name is Horácio Júnior. I'm a brazilian fan of the "La femme Nikita" series. I was searching the web about the songs of the series and I found your site. Well... I'm looking for all songs. ALL!
Looking at the list of episodes and their respective songs, at 104. "Simone", more precisely, the three classical songs were very tough to find on P2P. Because there's an error at the compositor name. It's not "Christoph William Gluck". The correct name is "Christoph Willibald von Gluck"
( He composed the opera Orfeo ed Euridice in 1762.
Please don't get me wrong. I liked your site very much and I'm trying to help you to improve it, OK? All the sites I've visited had the same mistake.
--Horacio, Jr., 2.25.10
i'm feelin your site. never knew it existed. my all time favorite tv program. great sound tracks, setting....... the whole nine. have not watched tv since it went off the air. USA, how come no reruns are they crazy ? are they gonna bring that show back ? where can i get all the sound tracks one 1-3 disks to blow up my ipod ?
--roccity, 1.17.10
Hi, my name is Dedra and I'm a LFN fan. I have all 5 season on DVD and have recently started rewatching the entire series. I searched for the music and this is the first time I came across your site. It's amazing, I especially like the encyclopedia. There was some stuff that I never knew when the series was on the air, lol. I appreciate all the work you put into it because I was able to find a few songs and song titles. I don't know if you're still checking email about this site, but in case you get this email, thanks again. I have bookmarked the page and will go back to reason your season six fanfiction. I'm all about LFN again.
--Dedra, 1.16.09
I love you site!!! I wish Peta Wilson would do more acting....she was incredible!
--Rod in Alabama, 12.20.08
I have been a LFN fan since 2001. I have the DVD set but I miss the series. I just wanted to commend you for a fantastic website. Thank you for keeping the memories and spirit of LFN alive. Your website is very much appreciated. And, after seven years I cannot get LFN out of my system – it becomes a part of a person. I can’t say that it has changed me personally. On the other hand, it certainly has had an emotional (even spiritual) affect that is more abstract and less tangible.
--Drew, 11.19.08
First of all thanks a lot for LFNFOREVER site!!! That has helped me very much! LFN rocks!!!
--Edvard Verdin, 9.6.08
Thanks so much for your wonderful web,is amazing and so complete..(pics,music....)
LFN is my favorite show of all times and your website keeps it alive.
Please don´t ever let LFN die.
--Mamen Bernal, 8.29.08
Hey die hard fans,
I am a big fan of this production since I was a kid. I fall in love for Nikita and Madelaine. I still watch some episodes on A&E channel in my country when I have nothing to do and they still capture my attention.
This is one hell of a site men. Thanks for your hard work and so glad to see that nikita has not die yet….ja ja.
By the way I’ve been watching this series since 1998 and I never get bored of it!
--Jose, 7.7.08
I haven’t gone through the whole site as yet, but has anyone else noted how much like Friday, the heroine of the novel of same name by Robert A. Heinlein, Nikita is?
A tall, beautiful, athletic, intelligent woman secret agent, her father is an old gentleman with a cane, her origins are at first nebulous, etc.
One suspects that Joel Surnow had read Heinlein and adapted the Anne Parillaud role to that story or vice versa.
--Brooks, 6.9.08
Congratulations on a magnificent website. Please keep it up!
--Alvaro, 4.27.08
Longtime fan of La Femme Nikita, longtime fan of lfnforever! I appreciate all the work you've done on this site.
I did some checking to see if anyone else has reported this; I didn't see it on your site but if it's a repeat I apologize. Here goes:
I'm currently watching Battlestar Galactica Season 3 on DVD (yes, I'm a year behind, because I'm too cheap to pay for cable TV!!). The actor who played Gray (the widower dad who was Nikita's love interest early in the series), Callum Keith Rennie, appears in several epsiodes at the very end of BG season 2 and in season 3. He plays one of the nasty Cylons who are bent on dominating and destroying humanity. In an arc over several epsiodes he tries to break the spirit of Starbuck, the no-crap-taking, free-spirited woman fighter pilot from the Galactica whom he has imprisoned. While he attempts to convince her to play nice and accept him as a partner, she plays along just until she has an opportunity to kill him--over and over and over, since the Cylons "resurrect" themselves. The combination of this spunky tough woman, her long blond hair, her imprisonment, and the false behavior covering true intentions already had eerie similarities to Nikita for me. Add to that my brain suddenly realizing the Cylon character Leoben Conoy was being played by the same actor that played Gray, and you not be surprised that I was starting to wonder if the writers were purposely drawing parallels to Nikita. THEN, get this, the creepy Cylon appears in their "apartment" prison carrying a little girl, maybe 3 or 4, with blond curls and blue eyes, whom he introduces as Kacey!!!!
Now, that can't be a coincidence, can it? Do you think this is an homage to La Femme Nikita?
Congratulations on an excellent site!
--Deborah, 4.6.08
On a point of interest, I remember the series called ‘Callan’ that was broadcast in the UK starring Edward Woodward as a reluctant assassin. He worked for a black ops organisation that existed outside the normal intelligence community and dealt with ‘problems’ that the normal agencies couldn’t touch. He was extremely good at what he did, but was sickened by all the deaths that he had caused and wanted out. The main complaint his boss had was that he had to do things his way and wouldn’t simply do what he was told. Callan thought (correctly) that his boss was a sadist, and the core of each episode was often Callan trying to find the real reason why they wanted him to kill someone. In the end what made the series so watchable was that almost invariably the target deserved what he/she was getting and one wished that you could put some other people on their list… I think Callan would have liked Nikita a lot so it was almost deja vue when the same actor appeared in LFN as Nikita’s father. Another similarity to LFN was that Callan’s main informant and connection to the underworld was a smelly little man who could well have been Mick Schtoppels spiritual Dad. It says a lot for Edward Woodward’s skills that without any special effects, foreign trips, or beautiful women the series was so popular and lasted so long.
I’d be interested in finding out if there are any DVD’s of the Callan series available anywhere?
Having just watched the LFN series again on DVD I’m surprised how well the technology has held up. Although disappointed when season 5 ended, at least the standard of the show never lapsed, unlike many of the similar secret agent series in USA where they run around chasing microchips and other sci fi gadgets made by someone who lived around the time of Da Vinci and one sometimes wishes the bad guy would wipe out the whole lot of them, end our misery, and make space for something better.
Bring back Nikita!
Many thanks for a great site.
--Tom, 3.26.08
I have to thank you for the site! I've been finding more and more folks are into LFN, and since 24 is a big hit, and Netflix has been marketing it, it's been revived.
--Karan, 3.20.08
Thats me again, Lena Andrievskaya.From the Ukraine.
Well Im interesting why did writers (Robert Cochran "Gates of Hell", "View of the Garden"; Lawrence Hertzog "A Girl Who Wasn't There"; Cyrus Nowrasteh "Imitation of Death") use exactly Ukraine (and Kiev, as the capital) in their transcripts? Is it 'too terroristic' country?Or was it too economically retarded?
Its of course proudly to hear "Ukraine" in some episodes.For instance, yesterday I've started watching S5 and in "A Girl Who Wasn't There" again I've heard about Ukraine ( Operations remembers how he met Madeline first time in Ukraine.Wow!!!!!!).
--Lena, 2.26.08
Thank you for creating such a lovely LFN site - you are perfect!
--Nino, 2.13.08
I've startred watching LFN when i was 14.Now as you already know im 22.Almost 9 years left, but a month ago i saw the DVD in the market.I've bought it.The Season 1!It was the peak of emotions!I was really impressed.I returned to my "childhood"(i had special notebook whith pisc from newspapers and magazines,everything about th LFN and its actors!I wanted to became an operation like Nikita!So my special items are^ DVD's and a self-made books whith the info from newspapers.I steel keep it.), but I began to percieve it from adult point of view.That is brand new understanding, it means different. Thats not childish kinf of fan.No.
And that's can sound funny, but I do live in country,which name was used a few times in episodes (First Mission, for instance)
I admire all the actors and scienes makers for such a brilliant work.
You know LFN even helps me to learn English( despite of Russian translation I can hear some dialogues and , of course, read the BEST DIALOGUE at your website.).Thank you very much.
Im going to buy all the Seasons of LFN and enjoy them.
And that will be very great if you will give some new info about actors of LFN in LFN website(where are they now, etc).
--Lena, Ukraine, 1.15.08
I recently received the La Femme Nikita DVDs for my birthday (Oct. 29) and my passion for the show has rekindled, persuading me to see if any fan sites still exist. I sure would like to get hooked up with others who found the show so inspiring/addicting/whatever! I also love to write, and saw that you have a section for fan fiction on your site. If I am able to develop a story, I’ll be sure to submit it to you.
I’d love to see La Femme Nikita come back, but without the original cast, I don’t think it would be the same.
La Femme Nikita Forever,
--Jennifer, 11.1.07
Ahem. I just love the extra storyline you hane authored and posted on the web. Hopefully, and sincerely, you and your colleagues will continue writing more juicy, (metaphorically) edible, MUCH DESIRED/DESIROUS such extra episodes as shown at the "La Femme Nikita Forever" website. Thank you and may you have a prosperous, top-draw year, Mr. Manning and company.
--Mr. Robert J. Brassell, Jr., 1.17.07
I am Marsida from Albania (Europe) and ... La Femme Nikita has been my most favourite series from the time I was sixteen. And although five years have passed, it remains my most favourite. I haven’t seen much of it, the eps usually were at 0035am at Wednesdays, but when I used to see it, it gave such kind of feeling that made me refreshed, with new power-just like drugs, only better. I have seen the whole first season, half of season two, and some from season three and four, and “Let no man put asunder” from season five. The cable tv doesn’t transmit the series anymore, and I was desperate to find the last ep to see it. Anyway, I think I should better not see it, it will make me all blue see Michael and Nikita say goodbye.
I just can’t understand why TPTB decided to end it so quickly with a meaningless ending.
It was so good, the storyline was perfect, more than perfect. The actors were perfect for their roles. If Roy played Vaughn (the character from Alias), then the series would have had much more success. His gestures (or the lack of them in some times) said more than words. I just loved his character, so cold, pensive-the perfect killer machine for Section One, but also passionate, and with a container full of feelings and love. It was perfectly portrayed by Roy. I adored Nikita so much that when I was seventeen, I wanted to colour my black hair to blonde. Thank God I didn’t do it, because it wouldn’t suit me at all. I have collected some soundtracks from the series, and they are my all-time-favourite music. My most favourite of all is The love thieves. But I am trying to find ‘Fire and Roses’ sung by Mimi Goese. Can you help me?
I found your webpage by accident as I was trying to find out as many facts regarded LFN as possible, and there were a lot of infos, some of those I read for the first time, and I must say, it was well done. I loved the fan fiction Season Six, and the songbook with the songs along with the screen caps. I can’t find the DVDs with all the five seasons because in my country they don’t sell the DVDs with La femme Nikita (and there are just a few of them who actually know who she was), the selling agencies don’t deliver in Albania since it is unsecured. I don’t know where to download them, if there is a way to download them anyway. But it doesn’t matter.
I apologize for this long email. I tend to write long. Before I say Good bye I want to congratulate you for your good webpage Well Done, again and keep doing. I would love to have contact by email with LFN fans all over the world and this is my first request. If you want, we can write emails to each other regarded LFN, exchange thoughts or opinions for LFN or any subject of common interest-it’s up to you. I wold prefer to use this username : marsida .... Can you also give me some other emails so that I can contact them? Thank You!!!!!!!!!! (email:
--Marsida, 1.7.07
"Are you going to continue maintaining the site? I just found it, and would love to see more.
--Ti, 11.30.06
"Your site is amazing, and Season 6 is so captivating. Character language could use a little work, but you're incredible for doing everything on that site. You could publish your episodes into LFN books, they'd sell like hotcakes. Keep up the great work!"
--Another LFN fan, Cait, 3.4.06
"hello, what a great site - congrats. i live in italy and they have episodes on fox italia (during the day 2nd season and once a week i think the 4th). i'm just sorry the complete dvd/tape set is not out (will it ever be? i couldn't even find it in the stores when i came home last month). thank you for your episode guide, this way we can make some sense out of the sequences.regards"
--Pam, 6.2.05
"Just a note to let you know what a fantastic website you have brought together. You obviously put in an enormous amount of work to achieve this level of depth and scope. You rock!"
--Linda, 5.2.05
"I don't write to fan sites much, but I'd just like to say thank you for continuing the lfn website."
--David, 12.20.04
"Hey my name is Janna and i'm a fan of your lfn site, i even submitted to you a fan fic i wrote a while ago. Well i noticed that it s been a while since you last updated and just wanted to let you know that i have some experience designing and maintaing web pages and if you ever need any help i d be glad to give you a hand. Thanks."
--Janna, 10.14.04
"Hi, GREAT La Femme Nikita site!"
--Josh, 7.2.04
"Thank you for all the effort you have put into the site. It is a wonderful resource for fans, and is much appreciated. Well done."
--CATB, 6.14.04
"Just wanted you to know how much I love your site! Excellent job! I also wanted to tell you that LFN is very much still alive in the messageboard world. I go to a few boards where we have some fun trivia games. let me know if you would like a few links. we are having so much fun. We have some quote trivia as well as general intel trivia. We also have lots of discussion on the show. I bet you would love it."
-- Donna, 8.8.03
"Just had to take time and drop you an E-mail to thank you for the beautiful job you are doing on your website. Even though the show had it's finale in 2001, I still tape the episodes for my friends, I still watch the show, and I still love Michael and Nikita. They will ALWAYS be in my heart. Thank you for showing your love for this incredible show that never really received the proper accolades for its originality, excitement, and extraordinary creativity. I liked the television series more than the movie and I love that we LFN fans were introduced to Peta Wilson and Roy Dupuis. Keep up the fabulous work."
-- mcb, 8.3.03
"I need to begin with high praise for your site. I've been nosing around for a few weeks and have enjoyed every 'section' visited, so far; several yet to go, and I expect to enjoy those equally. I have been an LFN fan from the first broadcasting of the first episode, and remain 'obsessed' to this day."
-- AZ , 8.1.03
"Congrats on a great website. It's the best I've seen. Keep up the good work. A loyal LFN fan!"
-- Evette, 7.3.03
"Hi! My name is Yunue Montiel and here in Monterrey, Mexico we love La Femme Nikita, we think it is the best show in the world because is sooooo interesting and well done, we just love it!!! Peta Wilson is an amazing actress, i dont know why she isn't so popular as other less importnat and well prepared actresses? The series is amazing, we love it....!!! We try no to miss any of the new episodes.....i can't describe to you how much we like the awesome!! We will love to see Peta and all of the other actors more aften in tv......just tell them that here in Mexico they sure have lots of fan clubs!! Thanx!!"
-- Yunue Montiel, 6.24.03
Very nice site, thank you. I just started watching on Oxygen. This ["Catch A Falling Star"] is the first episode I saw. Outstanding.
-- Wayne, 6.14.03
Wow!! What a website! Wanted to thank you for creating and maintaining such a wonderful website. I was bowed over with you attention to detail. Thank you for such an enjoyable visit. Cheers,
-- Mary, LFN Fan, 6.12.03
Hi! My name is Yvonne. I love to watch La Femme Nikita. I found your Internet address! Great Page really. Sorry my English is not that good. I'm from Austria, and the problem is that they play here just the old seasons. One and Two. And I would like to ask you, if you can tell me where I could get all seasons on DVD. English or German, no problem. It would be very nice if you could help me. Thank you! Nice greetings
--Yvonne, 6.12.03
Congratulations for the new design. It´s fantastic. I enjoy so much. Warmest regards,
-- Diana, 5.25.03
Hola, soy una seguidora de esta serie, la sigo desde hace 5 años, todavia no han emitido aqui en España la 5º temporada, pero la espero con impaciencia.
![]() Con relación a la 6º temporada queria saber si teneis noticia de que vayan a hacerla.He escrito a la warner pero no me han contestado al respecto.Hay numerosas lagunas en la quinta temporada ( lo sé porque he leido los guiones en internet) y no me puedo creer que Michael deje a Nikita en la sección por muy operationes que sea y el se vaya a vivir su vida. En la pelicula de Luc Besson ella acaba siendo libre.
![]() Me encantaria que continuara y creo que podriamos presionar a la cadena para que se animara a continuarla.Si teneis alguna noticia de esta y otras cuestiones decidmelo. Gracias.
![]() -- Mora, 5.23.03
![]() *****
![]() Thanks for the LFN site and all your hard work!
-- Teri, 5.3.03
Stumbled on your site while trying to find the name of two songs (one from "Voices" called "The Stars Above" and "Live Dead Girl" from "Time to be Heroes"). Am very happy to see I am not the only one who remembers this outstanding series and found that websites I enjoyed were gone. Have added it to my favorites. Thank you for your wonderful site.
-- Michael, 4.19.03
In LFN, the episode "The Man Behind The Curtain" has a song "Scarlet Skies" by Beverly Klass of Emissary Productions. Do you know where I can purchase a CD with this song? Thanks.
-- Bill Katterjohn, Owensboro, KY 4.12.03
Beverly's EP, "III", has been produced by Emissary Productions out of Vancouver. Contact them at Suite 29 1058 Nelson Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6E 1H9 (604) 681-9928 - telephone (604) 687-5150 - studio (604) 687-1977 - fax. Although it's my understanding the EP does not contain "Scarlet Skies," interested parties might glean useful intel from Emissary regarding how to acquire that tune. - JM
Just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all the work that goes into maintaining such a site, and for those with a Nikita obsession but little time to feed it, your site's a godsend!! tnx
-- Sissi, 3.7.03
Thanks for your site. Without it I would not have been aware that Oxygen is airing it. Regardless, I was very annoyed to find that Oxygen does the same crap that TNN does, squeezes the video upward (making people look short and fat, and giving me a headache) in order to display a banner on the screen bottom. The only way that tv stations take viewers seriously is if enough of us email them to complain loudly. My point here, is, please put a bold message on your site, urging people to email Oxygen, and also their advertisers to ask them to stop this stupidity. I can't seriously believe that I am the only one annoyed!
![]() -- Chris K., 3.1.03
[T]he best LFN site. It's great!!
-- Cynthia Z., 2.28.03
![]() -- 2.19.03
![]() [It's my understanding that Warner Bros. will release Season 1 on DVD in 2003, possibly as early as May. There is no reliable word yet on the other seasons--JM]
![]() *****
![]() Hi, first, i congratulate you for the wonderful site!! i have a question, i really like a song in Nikita, it's a piano solo, and it appears almost in all chapters. I guess is the only one "piano solo". Do you have any idea which is that song? thanks!
-- Ramiro, 2.15.03
[The composition referred to above is Sean Callery's "Michael and Nikita's Love Theme," which is featured on his CD (see Movies, Music, Books, Games)--JM]
Just a wee note to say I've only just discovered LFNForever, and I'm really impressed by the scope and ambition of your venture! It took me a year to write The Michael Files for Roy Dupuis Online, and that was just a fraction of what you have undertaken. I hope you have the stamina to complete the Mission Logs! :-) On the RDO message board we have a number of 'newbies' who are coming to LFN for the first time. It's fun to see their enthusiasm - after 6 years of hammering on about it, one can get a bit jaded. Hoping the DVD release will inspire us anew! Thanks again for all your effort (oh, and the plug for RDO!)
-- ViV, 2.1.03
Firstly, great La Femme Nikita website. It's good to see so many people also love this great program. Here in the UK we are still currently in the 4th season on Channel 5, but they keep stopping it every few weeks to show movies which is a huge pain to say the least. LFN is by far the best tv show in the last few years and I was saddened to hear that it has now been cancelled. Do you know the reasoning behind this decision? I also have the French movie which is also good but have yet to see the American movie. I dont know anyone else here that enjoys this program so hopefully soon I will get to know other fans. Hope you keep the website going and let's hope the powers that be either do movies of the series or a whole new series based upon LFN. I also enjoy Alias which is shown on Channel 4 here but its no LFN. Keep up the good work. I shall be a reguler visitor to your site now that i have found it. All the best,
-- Alex, Shrewsbury, England, 1.19.03
Dear fellow La Femme Nikita Fan~
Hello! I first off wanted to let you know what a great website you have, it's fantastic! Anyways, I did a "Google" search and your website came up because, like you, I love LFN! I used to watch it on the USA channel and then was very sad until I found it on the Oxygen channel. And then I happened to turn on the tv one night and found the "lost" episodes, how happy was I! Anyways, after all that, I have a question, does anyone make or has put together a comprehensive VHS or DVD collection of all the LFN episodes? Xena the Warrior Princess, also shown on the Oxygen channel, has a complete set and I just wondered if LFN did as well. I assumed it would be on your website if it was available, but I just wanted to check.
Thanks so much and keep up the great work!
-- Emily B., 1.14.03
I just wanted to tell you how great your site is. Very well organized and thorough. The television schedule is especially useful. I had really liked La Femme Nikita when it was on USA, but I had no idea the times Oxygen was showing it now. Now I can pick it up again. Thanks for putting up such a great site!
-- Michelle, 1.2.03
I'm a major LFN fan and I think your site is the best tribute to LFN of all the ones I've seen online. Keep the site alive! I think LFN Forever is excellent - I visit it a lot & it has so much more to offer than a lot of other sites.
-- Suzy, 1.1.03
Love your site!!! I was wondering if you could help me out. I'm looking for info on where I could find the LFN poster that looks like a movie poster in your images. (The one with Pita in an off the shoulder black dress) Also, do you know where I could find furnishings like in Nikita's apartment - the redecorated one, not season one. Thanks for such a great site. Keep up the good work!
-- Angela, 12.27.02
I found your site surfing the Internet tonight. Just wanted to tell you I think it's great and I agree LFN was the best TV show. I miss it a great deal.
-- Bill, 12.25.02
I wanted to say that I love your website! Even though the show has ended I still have a huge love for it!
-- Andrea K., 12.11.02
Just writing to you about your site. I'm so glad you decided to keep it going, even after LFN ended. Keep up the good work! You site has so much info, it's awesome! Sometimes I just don't have time to go through it all! I hope that even if it gets to DVD or a movie, TV or Feature Film *crosses fingers* you still keep it going. Thanks for you site and all that you put into it!
-- Kit, 12.2.02
Are they ever going to bring back La Femme Nikita? :(
-- Patrick, 12.1.02
I just thought I'd let you know how my order from OrderLFN worked out. I ordered the entire S4 on VHS through PayPal, and it took approximately two weeks to receive it. The picture quality is pretty decent and the commerical cuts are very smooth. OrderLFN also included a bonus CD, which includes over 100 songs from all the seasons, bloopers, and S4 & S5 previews FOR FREE!! I'm very happy with my order and am going to order S2 and S3 sometime soon. I'd definitely recommend this site to all LFN fans! Let me know if you have any questions.
-- Catherine, 11.23.02
Good day fellow operatives! I have enoyed a lot your site. I was wondering is there a way to get copies of the seasons, either by DVD or VHS. I would love to have the 5 seasons!! I videotaped quite a few episodes myself, but my collection is incomplete and quality is not the best.
-- Icarus, 11.13.02
Whoever did the LFNForever web site did an absolute amazing amount of work. The website and its contents totally impress me. Thank you or whoever did the work for making the available for the public! It's indeed a very kind, thoughtful service you provide!
-- William K., 11.8.02
I *just* started watching La Femme Nikita. I saw a few minutes of an ep a while ago, and oh so lucky for me, Oxygen just started airing the first season, so i've seen the first 3 eps & will see the fourth tonight. As a new fan I luv finding sites like yours for info, etc... Just wanted to give a quick shout of thanks out to you for keeping up the site!
-- Stacy, 11.8.02
Hello very excited to find your web pages tonight and was wanting to ask whethre you wil know if warner bros wil ever release La femme Nikita as a collectors DVD. Kind Regards,
-- Sharon, 11.7.02
I had asked you not too long ago if you knew where I could buy LFN episodes on-line. You kindly directed me towards eBay, which unfortunately only had a few season one eps available for sale. (Not your fault!) Well, I contacted one of the email addies on LFN Forever's Classified page and they were most helpful. Here's the website where LFN fans can order all the eps on VHS or DVD: I just ordered Season 4 VHS episodes from this site, and if you'd like, I can let you know if this is a good vendor to add to your site. I'm so glad that I don't have to wait for Amazon anymore!
-- Catherine, 11.4.02
I just found your web sight and I have to say, I had to laugh, you a bigger [fan than] I am! This is such a great sight. I promise to stand right beside you in any [endeavor] you take on concerning LFN.
This show is magnitizing, it oozes sex appeal. I as a women watch it and it makes me feel powerful. The music is so very sexy. I greatly appreciate your effort to keep such an amazing show "alive". Never has a show sucked me in, mezmorized me and left me wanting more the way LFN has. I went through withdrawals and depression when it was canceled. I found out Oxygen was carrying it and I was on the phone within 12 hours ordering the digital box I needed to watch it, much to my husband's
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, 11.1.02
Wow! I just discovered your LFN page and I'm lovin' it! Keep LFN alive!
-- Catherine, 10.28.02
Hi! I present Russian fans of LFN. Unfortunately, our TV showed only 1-3 Episodes and no more!!! So we look for a full DVD version of LFN. Best Regards,
-- Amber, 10.26.02
Hello! My name's Romulo and I'm from Brazil. I'm a new fan of the series and I must say that I'm in love with Nikita... Congratulations for your amazing website! I'm writing to tell you about the schedules of the series here, in Brazil:WARNER CHANNEL--Monday to Friday - 6:30 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. Your website is a precious source of information on LFN. I'm working on my own LFN website and I hope we can share some ideas.
-- Romulo, 10.25.02
i want to purchase the entire series--is that even a possibility--I keep looking and I can't find it!!!! Help!!!
-- Diehard Fan, 10.23.02
Under Elena in the LFN encyclopedia, it says that she is Michael's husband. Shouldn't it say that she's his wife? Love the website. Keep up the good work!!!
-- CyberJSC, 10.16.02
One of the ABC soaps plugged La Femme Nikita this past week. Just wondering if there's some truth to the rumor a while back that the show was being shipped around for new episodes?
-- Karen S., 8.3.02
My name is Adi and I'm a huge of La Femme Nikita, that's why I started buliding a website especially for the show..:) I came across your site and I was really impressed-it's a really good site! Also, I would like to ask if you could please add my site to your links-I will add yours to mine :) Thanx and good work!
-- Adi, 7.28.02 []
Hello there, how are you people? I'm Carolina, I'm a Chilean La Femme Nikita Fan, and from this remote country I would like to congratulate you for your great site, and thank you for bringing me the chance to contact you and for giving me also the chance to ask you some questions. Well, the truth is that I've been a little inopportune and unlucky, because of some special reasons, I started to watch this great series just last year, when it was already finished, but all the ways I became in a fan, because I loved it, I loved everything on it!!!!.Then, my luck changed and I had the chance to see it from the beginning, thanks to my cable service aired again the old episodes, from the first season!!!!!! so I've been seeing the four first seasons once and again twice a day!!!! but of course I'm not so lucky!!! I've couldn't see the fifth season yet, because the damn channel was unable to air it before for budgeting problems, but they promise me they will next October, now I'm watching season two for the third time.... All the ways, I have the sensation that the thing I watch here, has nothing to do with the thing you had seen there, to start for, the series is subtitled, and the translation in my opinion, is barely close to what people talks about, but this is not a problem I can understand English, but this bothers me anyway, because they've translate some words in a different way, and what I read has nothing to do with what I heard, it's annoying!!!! My second point is that I have the sensation too, that I've not seen everything!!!! I mean, couple of days ago, I saw a video in the internet, called "first view" I think, and there were a lot of scenes that I never saw here, for example in "Hard Landing" when Nikita walks to Michael after they made love, while they are in a ship, of course naked!!!, or in Third Party Rippoff , when they are in a bubble bath, of course naked!!!!!!, I never saw it!!!!! incredible isn't it?, this is the problem in this country, some people feels that has right to control you somehow, and as they can't do it in a different way, the controls you trough T.V!!!!!! Anyway, as a Good Fan, I've bought the soundtrack of the series, and I've downloaded every music file I've could, to built my "La Femme Nikita Collection", I hear it all day, almost everyday, when my boss is not around in my work place, and in my place when and can hear it loud!!!, I've downloaded desktop and screen savers to my computer, I've spent a lot of my time searching in the Internet about everything I can find...everybody thinks I lost my mind, well somehow is true, but what motivate me to write you is that I need some help, well like I told you, I got the sensation that I've not seen everything and I would like to get tapes with the episodes, well videos or whatever. Do you know if is there a way I could get the complete set of the series, I mean S! to S5, and interviews, bloopers, etc? If is there a safe place for buying it on the web or maybe if I can contact someone that be able to send it for me?. Or if you have it, what do I have to do to get it for? Please, I'd really thank if you can do something for me, I know I lost my mind, but what can I do, I became in a fan, in a an addict, and what addicts do?, try to satisfy themselves, and this is my vice and I need to satisfy it!!!!!! Well friends, that's it, I hope you can help me, Thank you very much.
-- Greetings from Chile, 7.21.02
Hello, I am a Nikita's fan from HongKong. And I loved this programme very much. I was very disappointed when I knew that Nikita would not been filmed again. Surfing the Net, I found this web site. That's great because it is full of Nikita's information. I especially like the part called "season six". It is wounderful ane exciting. I hope Jason Manning can continue to write the new "episode[s]" as I want to read more story about Nikita. Of course, I am much more want to see Nikita on TV again. Is it true or sure that Nikita won't be filmed?Do you know what is the reason? I'm looking forward to see the new episode.
-- Michelle, 7.21.02
Ok I would love to know what the name of the song is that Nikita and Michael danced to in "Love". Please if you know the title and who its by email me. I would also like to know the exact quote from "New Regime" when Nikita and Micheal meet and Nikita says something like, "Sometimes the devil is the only one open for business." I know thats not it exactly but I would love to know what is said in that [scene] exactly. Please email me the name of the song and who it is by. I would really love to know what is said exactly in that seen. Thank you.
-- Regina, 7.19.02
Hey! My name is Caroline and first of I like to say, I love you site! Second, I was wondering if you could help me with a thing. I have been searching the net for several weeks to find a site where I can download the Nikita episodes. Do you know of a site? Please help me!
-- Caroline, 7.14.02
it was only last year that i came across la femme nikita on my tv. i did'nt pay much attention to it for the first few minutes.but then i was HOOKED.and i started looking in the internet to know about this series comprising complete unknowns. as expected i was particularly interested in michael.then i came across your web-site. it's amazing. its the best. i especially like the fact that u are going to continue even though the series is finished. it's really distressing that some sites are offline just because lfn has ended. PLEASE NEVER TAKE YOUR SITE OFF THE AIR. I VISIT IT ALMOST EVERYDAY TO SEE UPDATES. my thumbs up to u
-- Priyanka, 5.28.02
Just found your site. Boy, there is so much intel to go through, it will take me hours if not days to see it all. It will be a very enjoyable trip. Cheers
-- Herma, 5.6.02
"Welcome back. I missed the news on your site. I think its the best Nikita information center and other stuff of La Femme."
-- Ethan (Netherlands), 4.26.02
"Just came across your website, and as a long-time fan of La Femme Nikita, I'm delighted to see you have no intention of shutting down...Thank you, and keep it up! The site is terrific."
-- Robyn, 4.29.02
"LFNForever is one my favorite fansites!!!" -- Celinde, 4.29.02