MacCorkindale, Simon
Played the villanous Alec Chandler in "Charity". Born 2.12.52 in Cambridge, England, MacCorkindale has had recurring guest roles in the TV series Poltergeist: The Legacy and Relic Hunter. In the 1980s he starred in the short-lived series Manimal, and in the '90s starred as Peter Sinclair in the popular espionage series Counterstrike. His film work includes Quartermass (1978), Wing Commander (1999) and The Dinosaur Hunter (2000).
MacRae, K. Douglas
(b. 10.1.69, Nova Scotia); MacRae was LFN's storyboard artist and has gone on to work in the same capacity on such series as Mutant X and Monk. He is the creator of a cartoon strip, Anubis, and an online comic book, Guardian.
entire series
Section's second-in-command, chief strategist and psych op. She's also Operations' lover on and off throughout the series. An expert at extracting intel from hostile captives, and in evaluating and manipulating Section operatives, Madeline can be positively Machiavellian at times. She was married to a Section operative, Charles Sand, who was left out in the cold by Operations, and whom she kills, demonstrating her unwavering loyalty to Operations. Madeline lives in a hell of her own making, blaming herself for the death of her sister Sarah, who was killed in a fall when they were children. Initially she is another mentor to Nikita, but the relationship between the two women cools. It's Madeline who persuades Operations to use the feelings Nikita and Michael have for each other to the advantage of Section. She commits suicide at the end of Season 4. Played by Alberta Watson.
all episodes
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A computer-generated simulation of Madeline created using Birkoff's artificial intelligence program, which incorporates atmospheric stimulation and galvanic resistance; Madeline A.I., therefore is possessed of limited movement and tactile sensation. Grief-stricken by Madeline's death in Season Four, Operations is thrilled by Madeline A.I., until he realizes that she has serious limitations that have a negative impact on several missions, at which time he reluctantly -- and permanently -- erases her.
"A Girl Who Wasn't There"
Head of FanTec, a domestic anti-terrorist task force. He turns rogue, but his scheme to detonate a nuclear device is foiled thanks to Rudy, a pizza delivery man. Played by John Evans.
The name of the female protagonist, essentially the same character played by Anne Parillaud in the precursor French film. Played by Bridget Fonda.
The cemetery where Nikita was supposedly interred after being recruited by The Center. Her burial site was Aisle 7, Number 30.
A Section operative on mission can go into "mandatory refusal" when he or she is convinced that the mission has been compromised and that communications with Section cannot be trusted. Michael does this in order to carry out his orders with regard to Dorian Enquist.
"Mandatory Refusal"
A Section One operative shot during the mission to capture Bergomi's associate Albert LeMaye.
"All Good Things"
A Section One operative involved in the Kudrin mission. Played by Derwin Jordan.
"Spec Ops"
Nikita's lover and, later, fiance. When she meets him he is a cashier at a supermarket, but he dreams of being a boat designer. Played by Jean-Hugues Anglade.
Nikita's alias during the mission involving Maximilien Jedreck, in which she poses as an art buyer and friend of Jedreck's mistress, Anne-Marie.
A man set to replace Ricardo Arou as president of an unidentified South American country. Michael leads four teams to protect Marin, though Adrian tells Nikita that, in fact, Operations intends to have Marin killed. Indeed, Marin is slain when his car explodes. Ray Leeds, as tactical oversight for the mission, takes the blame.
"Adrian's Garden"
A restaurant frequented by Michael and Nikita; they prefer a table by the window. It is the location of rendezvous between the two in "Face in the Mirror" (carried over into "Up the Rabbit Hole") after Nikita has escaped Section One and changed her appearance. In the former episode, Madeline uses a sim-rep scenario to make Michael believe that Nikita will kill him unless he kills her first.
"Face in the Mirror"
![]() "Up the Rabbit Hole"
Section One operative and who's on a mission to destroy Black March during which the woman he loves, Angela, is tortured and killed by Simon Crackek. Under duress, Mark betrays the location of Subsection Six, then later tells Operations that it was Nikita who broke.
"Threshold of Pain"
Former wife of Operations, who later married the politician Nicolai Markali. Section One engages in an elaborate scheme to destroy Nicolai, who is suspected of ties to a terrorist group, and use Corrine to achieve that end. Corrine may have been Operations' second wife; in "Missing" Steven Wolfe claims his mother died.
"Love and Country"
Politician who becomes a Section One target when it is suspected that he has ties to a terrorist group. The Section plan calls for using Nikita to make Nicolai's wife Corrine believe her husband is having an affair and wants to kill her, creating a scenario where Corrine kills him instead.
"Love and Country"
Section jargon for a transmitting device that allows a "marked" target to be tracked from the ground or by satellite.
The murderer of Operations' son, Steven Wolfe, who is under the protection of Oversight. That doesn't do him much good, though, when Operations seeks revenge.
"Under the Influence"
Section One jargon that can refer to a person or to an item. In the former case it usually refers to a new recruit who becomes the "material" of his/her trainer; and in the latter case it usually refers to something to be acquired during a mission.
various episodes
One of the owners of the Edward Day Gallery, whom Operations questions with regards to the whereabouts of Freddy Allen, a.k.a. Pierre Brogan, and whom Nikita kills when he goes for a gun in a desk drawer.
"I Remember Paris"
Matteo, Rocco
Prior to his work as production designer for LFN, Matteo was set designer for the 1995 film The Scarlet Letter, art director for the television series Matrix and Robocop, and production designer for The Wharf Rat (TV-1995) and Gang in Blue (1996). Most recently, he has been production designer for the TV series Mutant X.
entire series
One of Maximilien Jedreck's bodyguards, both of whom are killed by Victor.
Section One operative, and member of Davenport's team, whom Madeline uses to humiliate Michael in front of Nikita. Played by Mark Lutz.
"Third Party Ripoff"
18-year-old who bombed a shopping mall; he is the product of Chernov, who is brainwashing children to do his bidding.
"Imitation of Death"
Section One has a state-of-the-art medical facility located on Level 4. (See Levels.)
various episodes
A Section chief present at the Oversight meeting at which Michael represents Section One.
"All Good Things"
One of the three Section operatives selected by Nikita to be on her team in "First Mission". (The other two: Vizcano and Taylor.)
"First Mission"
Industrialist who becomes a target of Section One when it's discovered he is supplying terrorists with materiel and funds. He is assassinated by Michael.
"Hand to Hand"
The branch of British military intelligence concerned with gathering intelligence.
several episodes
The branch of British military intelligence charged with counterespionage duties.
several episodes
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Section One's best field operative, and Nikita's mentor. A coldly efficient killing machine, Michael Samuelle was born in Marseilles and while a university student in Paris in the mid-80s became involved with L'Heure Sanguine (The Bloody Hour), an anarchistic student group that engaged in terrorist acts. He "died" in prison at the time of his recruitment into Section. Before Nikita arrived he married another Section operative, Simone, who was (he thought) killed by Glass Curtain. The romance between Michael and Nikita -- called the most complicated in television history -- is a fascinating subplot that threads its way through the five seasons, complicated by the revelation (in Season 3) that as part of a mission to nab a master terrorist named Vacek, Michael has married Vacek's daughter and lives a double life outside Section with his wife and his son, Adam. Played by Roy Dupuis.
most episodes
A miniature computer disk commonly used in Section One. The Directory is stored on one of these.
A miniature transmitter that can be easily secreted somewhere; in "Innocent" one is injected into Rudy so that Section One can keep track of him.
A shelter launched by philanthropist/slave trader Alex Chandler for the purposes of acquiring "material" for his slave trade.
The Eastern European politician whom Nikita and Michael are assigned to bodyguard in "Friend"; he reappears in "Verdict" as the new leader of his country and is being sought by vengeful citizens who claim he committed war crimes. Played by David Calderisi.
![]() "Verdict"
One of Alec Chandler's aides and a former street kid; he is killed by Chandler, who believes he is a betrayer because of a disk that Michael planted on him.
One of Ivan Chernov's brainwashed boys, who is dispatched to Kiev wearing a bomb. Having met Milan in Chernov's stronghold, Nikita is able to talk him out of carrying out the mission. His fate remains unknown, though it's likely he was cancelled.
"Imitation of Death"
In charge of Section One's Data Retrieval department, and an ally of Madeline's.
"All Good Things"
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A detailed plan, usually devised by a profiler and/or team leader, for the execution of a mission and which, once approved by Operations, can rarely be deviated from.
numerous episodes
The usual mode of transportation for a team on a mission, and endowed with a complete communications module allowing mobile control to maintain contact with the team in the field as well as Section One. Exterior security cameras allow mobile control to monitor the vicinity of the van. The van most often seen is a black Winnebago Rialta.
numerous episodes
The operative or operatives who monitor a mission in the field from the mission van.
several episodes
Section jargon for a person's appearance and/or state-of-mind.
several episodes
An enemy agent who has infiltrated an organization or facility, or an operative who has been "turned" by the enemy. Though he is not described as such in the episode, Roger is Suba's mole inside Section One in "Treason". In "Slipping Into Darkness," Madeline tells Nikita that they are trying to identify the mole inside Section who gave Operations a psychotropic agent.
several episodes
The type of disk used by Michael to record a video of Nikita, which he gives to Birkoff for an eye analysis. As Birkoff explains, a monolux disk is formatted is such a way that opening it will be detected by the system.
"Getting Out of Reverse"
The legendary Israeli secret service, known to some as The Sword of Gideon.
A Section One operative (probably Level 4) who is assigned to prevent Michael from killing Enquist in "Mandatory Refusal", and then falls victim to a deadly virus that Red Cell insinuates into Section One in "Inside Out". Played by Roman Podhora.
"Mandatory Refusal"
![]() "Inside Out"
A Bright Star suicide bomber who eludes Michael and Nikita in Hamburg and blows up a GTH bus depot, with himself and forty innocents inside.
"Old Habits"
The Section One department overseen by Walter, who is responsible for supplying mission teams with all the armament and equipment required by a mission profile.
numerous episodes
Type of transmitter commonly used by Section One operatives in the field. Michael asks Walter for one that includes confidential broadcast band in "Getting Out of Reverse."
"Getting Out of Reverse"
Murrin, Geoff and Jim
Twin brothers who worked as property masters on LFN; Geoff Murrin also appeared in "Adrian's Garden" and "End Game" as Steven, one of Adrian's agents. He also had cameo appearances in numerous Season Two episodes as the mysterious "Goatee Man" and was occasionally joined by brother Jim ("Last Night").
numerous Season 2 episodes